Epilogue (Part 2)

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"Nice to see you, man. Where you been?" Elijah said as he stuck out his fist.

"Chilling with my family." I said as I fist pumped him.

"That's good. Why you leave though?" He questioned.

"To see my family." I stated.

"What's the real the reason, man, not the fake, superficial version you've been telling everybody? You can tell me. I know we left off on bad terms but that doesn't mean I still don't care about you, man. You like a brother to me and to not have a clue where you were killed me. I-I thought it was my fault because you walked away and you didn't come back the next day. I didn't even run after you a-and it was all my fault. I thought I lost you. We thought we lost you. W-We didn't know what to do and, with Chres being pregnant, it wasn't much we could do. I-I'm sorry, Jacob." He ranted as he began to cry.

"Elijah, it's not your fault. I didn't leave because of you, not even because of Chres. I just needed to get away and find myself. It was nobody's fault. It's nobody's fault, Elijah." I said getting up to hug him.

"I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Nah, you good. I'm just glad you back." He said as he patted my back.

"I'm glad to be back." I admitted.

"Good. How about we celebrate? Barbeque at my house tonight. Everyone's invited. We're gonna kick it like we did back in our mindless behavior days." He laughed excitedly.

"Sounds good." I agreed.

We then went inside the house and into the kitchen.

"Baby, where are the ribs?" He asked as he looked into the refrigerator.

"They're in the freezer. Why?" Micheal replied.

"We're having a barbeque." He said as he took a pack of ribs out the freezer.

"Why was I not informed?" Micheal asked with his arms crossed as he came closer to Elijah.

"What you mean? I just told you." Elijah replied as he wrapped his arms around Micheal's waist.

"Elijah. Why all of a sudden you want to have a barbeque?" Micheal questioned as he snuggled into Elijah's chest.

"To celebrate." He stated simply.

"What are we celebrating? Our anniversary isn't until next month." Micheal questioned.

"Jacob's return, of course." Elijah laughed.

"Oh. Well, I'll go buy some plates, utensils, and dessert." Micheal said as he looked at me and pulled away.

"Chres!" Micheal yelled up the steps.

"What?" Chres yelled back as he walked down the stairs.

"C'mon, we're going to the store." Micheal said as he heading towards the door while pulling Chres' wrist.

"Why?" Chres asked.

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