Chapter 6

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Next day


" Jacob Perez you have been granted a two month probation. You will report to your assigned probation officer three days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, for the first month. For the second month you will report to your probation officer two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every time you report to your officer you will be there by 2:30 pm. Your probation officer is Mr. Pontelli. However, if you do not report to him at 2:30 for the previously mentioned days, you will first be given a warning. If the pattern continues you will serve a longer probation sentence until you will have to serve time in jail. Your first time serving your probation will be a week from today. Do you understand the terms I have given you Mr. Perez?" The judge stated firmly.

"Yes I do, your honor." I replied.

"Case dismissed. Next case." The judge said loudly as he slammed the gavel.

"Thank you." I mumbled, looking towards the sky and letting out deep breath.

The security guards proceeded to take off my hand cuffs.

"Your free, kid. Go spend time with your family." One of them said, referring to the smiling and waving Chres and the sleeping Royal laying against his chest.

"Yeah." I said with grin before I walked over them.

"I missed you and my baby so much, Chres. So much that you can't even fantom how bad I yearned for you to be in my arms." I said, embracing him in big hug while pecking his forehead lightly.

"Jacob, I just saw you yesterday." He laughed as he pulled away.

"I know but every second spent with out you is torture to my poor soul." I said, kissing his forehead again.

"You so damn corny." He laughed, pulling away again.

A small yawn turned my attention to Royal.

"Is you up now, fat man?" I said as I took Royal from Chres, causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

Royal responded by putting his chubby hand in his mouth.

"Did you feed him yet, Chres?" I asked.

"Yeah. He must be hungry, again." Chres said, taking him out my arms.

He pulled a bag of grapes from Royal's small book bag and began feeding him.

"I almost forgot, I brought you some clothes." He said, pulling the clothes out of the small bag.

"Thanks. Imma go change." I said as he handed me the outfit.

" I said as he handed me the outfit

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