Chapter seven: Fake Proposals and Bloody Setups

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I JUST FINISHED 'Hey, Doll' BY dacatnextdoor14 AND IM GROSSLY SOBBING RN IT WAS SO GOOD. GO READ IT NOW!!!!! *continues crying*

Your POV

I usually can tell someone's motives based on their laughter. If they're faking it, if they're mad or genuinely happy.

Normally people's laughs are nice, and they make ME happy. That's why I'm so addicted (MY STRANGE ADDICTION). It was something I was just always able to do.

But that Sutton.... something's off about her.

Her laugh has a... darker sound behind it. But above that, it's lust.

Lust for sans.

I think she wants him. No, I KNOW she wants him. And he doesn't believe me. He's too caught under her spell. It's only a matter of time before she gets what she wants.

I can't let that happen. She'll only hurt him and others if she gets him. She's a yandere.

At least I think she is. That's what her laugh tells me.

And sans doesn't believe me. No one ever does. I'm just 'that one funny girl without a care in the world and no problems'. Ha, If they knew what I'd been through...

I can feel my eyes start welling up a little, but I pass it off with a yawn. It was around noon and Pap was in the kitchen making... you guessed it.... spaghetti.

Ah, he's such a cinnamon roll.

"A-And so that's why M-Mew Mew Kissy C-C-Cutie 2 is worse t-than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 1... i-its all on my UnderNet p-p-page if you want it in more d-detail..." the small humanoid lizard spoke. Her name is Alphys, and Undyne the fish on steroids is her girlfriend. Honestly, I ship it.

"You're so smart, Al." Undyne spoke while leaning down to give Alphys a kiss on the cheek. Alphys' face went bright red while she stuttered out a 'thank you'.

I felt a tug at the hem of my (f/c) jacket and I looked down to see the flirtatious frisk. 'The spaghetti is ready! Lunch is served, m'lady.' They signed while they held out an arm for me to link mine with. I laughed and jokingly said to Alphys and undyne "sorry guys, but my date has arrived" and bent down to link arms with the kid. The couple behind me laughed while I was led into the kitchen where a pink robot was holding hands with papyrus.


I inwardly groaned at his pink and black color scheme and the fact that he was with papyrus, but I smiled and waved a little at them. Papyrus walked over and handed us a couple plates of spaghetti. He just balanced a few plates on top of Frisk's head, and they smiled and ran out of the kitchen to give the plates to everyone. I, on the other hand just took some, smiled my million dollar smile and said to papyrus," I guess I'd better spa-get-ti outta here and give these plates to everyone, huh?"

The sweet sound of Sans laughing filled  my ears, while Papyrus' unholy screeching made me laugh, while i ran out with the plates after yelling "Don't worry, paps! It's normal! Pasta puns are part of my daily rotini now!", followed by more laughing and screeching.

I slowed down when I was in the living room and handed a plate to Sans and little miss Slutton. She glared at me while Sans looked at me... dreamily? I donno. He took my hand, and kneeled on one knee and jokingly said, "Miss (y/n), your puns are the best I've ever heard. I know I've literally only known you for two days, but will you marry me?" I laughed and pretended to swoon before landing lightly in Sans' arms. He smiled down at me, while I smiled and started saying "ye-"

*CRASH* was the sound of something shattering from over where Slutton was, and she was sitting on the couch where a broken plate lay on the floor, spaghetti strewn everywhere, and her cheek was bleeding. She glared at me with such hatred, I actually felt a little pain in the middle of my chest. "Hey where's the bathroom?" I ask. After getting an answer, I rushed upstairs to the bathroom,  and I closed and locked the door.

I took off my jacket and lifted up my shirt, and there was a small blood stain right in the middle of my chest. It hurt like hell, so I grabbed some bandages that were in the medicine cabinet, and bandaged my chest up. I wonder how that happened. Maybe some plate shards got through my clothes?

"Y'know, no one cares about you. Never have, never will." A singsong voice rang in my head. It's wasn't mine, but it sounded familiar.

"You're worthless, and you think you can make other people feel better by stupid jokes and puns? Oh you are SO wrong (y/n). I'm surprised those monsters downstairs even are wasting the energy to ACT nice around you. Considering they don't give a DAMN about you." That voice again. I felt like knives had just stabbed my heart, but I shook it off and ignored it. There had always been that little voice in the back of my head saying those things, but I refused to believe it was true.

I pushed the taunting voice back to the back of my mind, put on my shirt and jacket and rushed downstairs to hear sobbing and someone lightly shushing them.

Second Person POV
You rushed down the stairs and saw Slutton crying smile Sans sat next to her shushing her and rubbing her injured cheek. You felt a small pang of something, and it felt very familiar, but you ignored it and ran downstairs.

"What happened?" You asked Slutton. She just glared at you and turned to Sans where she started sobbing into his shirt. He just looked at you with a 'help me' look, but you couldn't do anything, she already hated you as it is. You gave him a sympathetic look, and he sighed, before wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder, blushing a light shade of blue.

You saw her turn her head where a bandaged cheek lay, and her mouth slowly contorted into a twisted, sadistic, evil grin. It was gone in a second, when she leaned up and asked a question that you knew could NOT happen, at any means.

Sutton asked "Sansy, could I see your soul, I want to see your Soul Trait"

And before you could stop him, he basically ruined his and your life.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Whew! That's a chapter! Have fun raging and sobbing! Hopefully I'll have a drawing of Little Miss Slutton for future chapters, but I'm lazy so...

Yeah! I told you s**t was gonna go down in this chapter! Could someone please tell me what soul trait sans has, and what you think Slutton should have? Thaaaaanks

Anyway, Author-Chan out!~

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