remember but forget

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Author-chan here with more! Sry I haven't updated in forever but it's because my 'friend' is suicidal and is dating my other​ friend is dating them and my 'friend' hates me but my other friend is a really good friend so yeah, alot of crappy stuff going on. (Sry I got carried away)

(Everyone is gathered in the dinning area while Pidge is resting)
Everyone was shocked to hear what happened. "D-did they do this. What happened?" Keith was pounding the question on to Shiro. "I don't know what happened. For the last time stop pushing!" Shiro was starting to get angry. Lance was just sitting in a chair trying to keep back tears. Hunk was worried, so he started stress baking what seemed to be makeshift cookies. Allura was pacing back and forth while Coran was doing something on the monitor.

"THAT'S ENOUGH KEITH!! I HAVE LOST ALL PATIENT WITH YOU! STOP ASKING, I DON'T KNOW!!" Shiro finally snapped. Everyone was now looking at Shiro. 'This is not like him' Keith pondering in his mind. Keith stood frozen for a few ticks then came back to his senses when he heard a familiar voice say "Shiro?" Keith looked over to see the smallest paladin, what he felt like was his only family, standing by the doorway with a few tears in her eyes. Shiro rushed over "hey, you ok, better, or hungry?" She just pulled away, Shiro was taken aback by this but didn't show it hurt. "N-no!! Stay away" she yelled at him.

She stumbled back a bit, then slid down to knees. "I'm back" she said in an oddly croaky and deep voice.
"P-pi-ig-ge" Shiro was stuttering out like crazy. Pidge suddenly lundged at Shiro but in stead of attacking she created purple lightning with her hands. Keith and Lance both jumped to their feet and ran towards him and jumped at Pidge. "Pidge, what are you doing!?!" Lance yelled. "I'm doing what I should've done ages ago" she yelled. Pidge was about to shove the purple lightning at Keith but stopped, she was now crying​, holding her head, and saying "please sto- this is for your own go- no I don't wanna go ba- you wil- no I won- you will never contain m- stooooop!" She finally shouted, she smiled for a second but went dizzy and fell to the ground, passed out.

I'll stop it there for now but I'll do the next chapter soon, maybe. Stay cool Author-chan out!!

Recovery: A Shidge tale(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now