- the slump -

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*I didn't expect the first part to get any reads tbh, to me it was kinda cringe but thank you guys 💙Also I haven't updated in so long so here ya goooo*

Ugh. My head hurts. I should not have drunk that much last night. I regret it but at the same time I don't. I needed that. I'm pretty sure my family don't even want to speak to me, even though I now kind of have to live with my parents because Max owns the apartment. I have to go and get my stuff some time, but not yet. I just can't deal with that. It's actually pretty embarrassing that me, a 23 year old grown woman, is currently curled up in my childhood bed in my parent's house, while my barely 20 year old younger sister, is off with her new 'fiance' oooh. ugh who even cares. 

I spend the whole day lying in bed, falling in and out of sleep and I can't even be bothered to get dressed. I order pizza and when I hear the delivery man knock on the door is the only time I actually leave my room today. I walk out to see my sister and her 'fiance' Jordan, cuddled up on the sofa, all loved up. Ugh get a room. I stand there for a few seconds watching in disgust as they're neglecting the best movie ever made, playing on the TV, because they're too busy playing tonsil hockey. I roll my eyes and audibly make a disgusted noise, causing them to instantly stop. Oh shit. I see Abby turn her head round to face me and her face instantly drops into one of pity and guilt.  

"Erm hey, Ritchie ,err..." She said, obviously lost for words.

 I turned my attention from her and walked over to the door. I opened it an instantly shove the money in the delivery mans hands, grabbed the pizza, slammed the door and walked back into my room in silence. After completely devouring the pizza on my own, in record time, I threw the box on the floor and fell back against my bed, until finally I fell asleep. This exact routine stayed the same for the next week, and I wasn't complaining. Until finally....

Who the hell is knocking on my door? I can't be bothered for this. I let out a small groan before placing my pillow over my head and try to fall asleep again. Next thing I know, Michelle bursts into my room shouting 

"Get ready bitch, we're getting drinks". My response was giving her the middle finger, and trying to sleep again. 

"Erm no, you're getting up." She fought back. 

"Make me" I replied, my voice being slightly muffled by my pillow covering my face. WHAT IS THAT NOISE. WHATEVER IT IS, MY EARS ARE BLEEDING! 

"Stop!" I shout, sitting up now. I see Michelle standing there with a whistle in her hand, god she's so weird. 

"Get ready, or I blow it again." I snort immaturely at the comment, trust my dirty mind. Michelle starts to laugh as well, upon realising what she had just said. I finally drag myself out of bed and finally change out of the pyjamas I'd been in the past week. 

After a long hour of getting ready Michelle and I arrive at a new club. Time to get wasted and forget about everything. 

"Don't think you're getting pissed off your head tonight"  Michelle says, reading my mind. Why not!? 

"Your goal tonight is to make a new friend, or you won't be sleeping for a while" and she pulls the whistle out of her purse before putting it back, to show me what she meant. After about 30 minutes of getting no drinks and awkwardly backing away from guys who try to dance with me, I walk over to the bar to finally get a drink. 

"Bourbon, double" I order, and a voice beside me pipes up, 

"Strong, it's nice to finally meet a lady who can hold her liquor." Fuckboy alert. 

"And you are?" I ask the mysterious man sitting next to me. 

"I'm Noah, and you are?" 

"Briar." What? I wasn't going to give a stranger my real name just like that. 

"Like sleeping beauty? Well you are quite a beauty, I must admit" He says in a lustful voice while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, and I can't help but blush a little. 

"Or like the thorns." I sarcastically reply, flirting a little I must admit. What? I've just gotten out of a relationship, I'm not dead. 

"Well you do seem pretty sharp" He flirts back again, laughing a little. Damn that's hot. My drink finally arrives and as I go to reach for my purse, Noah says 

"Don't worry, It's on me, sleeping beauty". I look up and our eyes meet for a moment. He takes the drink and hands it to me, before saying 

"Until next time" And he walks away. I do hope there is a next time. 

873 words

lel I've already started to neglect this book I'm such a bad author. THANKS FOR READING! 😂

Edit: lmfao why were my authors notes so cringey

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