- moving on -

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The final step of getting through a breakup ooh

There's very few things in life I'd say I truly hate. But the iPhone alarm is definitely something I can say for sure I hate. I sit up and stop the buzzing next to me and drop my phone by my side on the bed. I can't stop myself smiling up at my ceiling as I remember last night... as I remember Noah. I suddenly feel all giddy and happy as I remember last night. I can't wait until tonight, I finally feel like I could move on from Max. I know it's only been about 3 weeks since everything went down, but maybe this was all I needed. But for now I need to get up and get ready for my Skype call later. 

A hot shower and a dash of makeup later, paired with my nicest semi casual clothes I own, and I'm sat by my desk in front of my laptop, waiting for that dreaded Skype ringtone. I know I've been so certain that I'd get this place that it'd never really occurred to me what I'd do... I should've been looking at other places and applying for loans at other banks, I mean, what do I do if they come back and say my credit score or any of this adult stuff isn't good enough for this apartment? Does that mean I'll have to start looking at small, dingy studio apartments? Oh god please no, I want to move up not down. I could have sat here hours overthinking this, but I see the Skype logo begin to flash on my screen. It's the call. Oh my god I am way too scared to accept this right now. After a mini freakout with absolutely nothing going through my mind I finally accept it and put on the biggest smile I can as I see my estate agent and the landlord smiling back at me, as I greet them. 

'Okay you're both here now good - I'm just going to cut to the chase' my estate agent begins firmly. Cutting to the chase? That's usually a bad sign right?

'Your move in date is the 25th, the earlier the better, but not before 7am, the moving van only agreed to a time after 7 and I didn't really want to push them on that, I have two sets of keys, any extras you'll need to get cut yourself, if you get locked out just call-' My estate agent rambles out at the fastest pace I've ever seen another human being speak at.

'Wait, wait, wait' I cut her off. What? 'Are you telling me I actually got the apartment!?' I ask excitedly. Please please please say yes.

'Of course, why else would I be going on about all this?' She replies, half jokingly. I let out a squeal of excitement and take a few seconds to do a small happy dance before composing myself and focusing back on the discussion. She just continues on about the logistics and everything I need to know to move, and the landlord lets me know the building rules and facilities - her being super sweet is an added bonus.

'Okay thank you!! It's been a pleasure doing business with you, and I'll see you in two days!!' I say goodbye to the both of them and end the call. I take a moment to breathe a breath of relief. Oh thank god. I get up and squeal a little again before a much louder, excited yell comes out. Suddenly my door swings open to my mother asking what's happened and what's wrong. Bless her.

'I got it!! I got the apartment!' I reply, overcome with glee.

'I'm so happy for you, R, I know I really pushed you for this but I know how you are, once you get too settled somewhere, that's it. I just didn't want you to get stuck, but you have a place here anytime.' She says sincerely, and obviously happy for me. I smile in reply and remember I have some other news for her.

'Also... I got a promotion at work' I say shyly, not wanting to sound like I'm trying to gloat. 

'Richelle!! That's amazing! I'm so proud, I know your dad will be too!' and I giggle as a response. 'We should go out and celebrate tonight!' she adds. Oh no, I don't want to have to say I have a date, it's so early this could all go awfully. I guess I have to though.

'Uh, I actually can't tonight... I sort of have, a date' I say, trailing off, smiling excitedly. For the first time in a long time I'm actually excited for the future. 

I'll be okay, just not today. [Nochelle/Bryles]Where stories live. Discover now