- love yourself more -

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1:30am. Tonight has been so much fun. I'm really glad I agreed to go out with the girls; Max has barely crossed my mind all night. We've been dancing and singing to all our favourite songs all night, but I think it might be time for me to call it a night. I'' be expecting a call back on the apartment tomorrow sometime between 10am-12pm and I have to at least be able to function. I follow the girls into the bathroom and watch as they touch up their makeup and fix their dresses.

'Hey, I think I'm gonna head home' I announce. They turn to look at me, and I already know what's coming.

'Honey you need to forget about him!' Stephanie says in response. I mean she's right but it doesn't really apply here.

'It's not that!' I insist, 'I have to be up early, dealing with possible moving things and I don't think they'll appreciate it if I show up to a skype call in last nights dress and fake eyelashes cascading down my face.' I reply, laughing through it, with the other girls joining in. '

Tonight's been really, really fun, you guys' I say, getting a bit tearful. Okay maybe I have had a bit too much to drink. We all gather into a group hug, with small laughter and big smiles. We break out of the hug and Giselle goes to speak.

'Okay how are you getting home, I can get you an Uber on here and track you on the way home to know you're safe' She says. Oh Giselle, always playing the big sister.

'It's okay, I can just grab a taxi from out front. You guys enjoy the rest of your night and I promise I'll message when I'm home safe!' I respond. I really don't want her to worry like she always does. I say a few goodbyes, and walk out the bathroom. I stop at the coat check on the way out, grabbing my jacket and walking outside. The fresh air hits me and it's amazing, after being in a hot, sweaty club all night, the cold on my skin feels great. I walk down the steps to the taxi bay and see it's empty. I could wait but I feel like walking, but that might not be the best idea, it being half one in the morning and me not really being able to do this as a woman ya know. 

I rest against a pillar outside for some time, waiting, and see some guys across the street walking past. They've very clearly had a lot too much to drink. I look down at my phone and scroll a little through my socials, before my attention is grasped by some shouts and jeering from across the street. Some sort of mix of 'Ay pretty Lady!' and 'Hot stuff' is being shouted by the guys from across the street. I don't know what to do so I kind of awkwardly smile and try to laugh it off, looking back at my phone but they continue. 

'Hottie, why don't you take the dress of ay!' One of them shout from across the street. I feel my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. I don't want to have to walk back into the club, I just want them to go away. 

'Don't ignore us baby!' Another one of them shouts. I feel so uncomfortable.

'Hey babe, thanks for waiting!' A voice exclaims loudly from behind me. I look up and turn to see an all too familiar face walking out from the club, putting his jacket on.

'Noah?' I question quietly. What is he doing here? Is he following me at this point? He walks up to me and touches my arm before leaning in and giving me a kiss on the cheek, keeping up the dating facade. I keep quiet, not knowing what to say. He puts his arm around me and uses his other hand to slightly wave to the lads across the street.

'Have a good night gentlemen!' He shouts to them and pulls me to start walking in the direction they had come from. I walk with him, still not knowing what to say, but I just know I'm glad I don't have to deal with them guys anymore.

'Are you okay?' He asks me, once we're out of hearing distance from the guys and we slow our pace. I'm in shock. I was not expecting him at all.

'Uhh, yeah. I'm, I'm fine I think. Thanks?' I respond. I think of a way to politely ask him if he's stalking me. 

I'll be okay, just not today. [Nochelle/Bryles]Where stories live. Discover now