- cutting off contact -

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This book will have slower updates because it will be shorter than my other one :/

For the week after going out, I've been returning my life back to normal the best I can. No more moping over Max, I've brought a lot of my work home, well to my parents home, usually I could work at the apartment, but it's technically Max's apartment. Eventually I hear the dreaded words. 

"You need to get your stuff back" My younger sister Abbey says to me, sitting on the sofa next to me. I just continue watching the TV, maybe if I pretend I didn't hear her she'l just drop it. 

"Richelle..." She spoke slowly making sure I was still with her. I slowly turned my head to face her, keeping the same look of dread on my face. 

"The sooner the better Ritch." She added before getting up again and walking into the kitchen. Ugh, I guess she's right. It's been about two weeks, any longer and he'll claim it for himself. I guess I'll go tomorrow then. 

I wake up the next day and head straight to the DIY store to buy some boxes to pack my stuff up. This will be fun. Why are there so many types of boxes? Folding carton boxes? Rigid boxes? Corrugated boxes? What do these words mean? I pace up and down the aisle for a bit, both procrastinating actually leaving, and confused on what boxes to buy. I don't know how many I need, I can't even remember most of the stuff I left there. 

"Hard decision" A voice from behind me says, , making me jump. I turn round to see a relatively familiar face. The guy at the bar, he bought me a drink. Crap, what was his name again. Erm, Niall? Josh? He looks a bit like a Josh. Wait" It starts with an N.... and maybe an o ? Got it! 

"Hey, Noel right?" I reply confidently. 

"Close, Noah. And if I remember correctly, Briar, the prick?" He answers jokingly. Whoops.

"Uhm, it's actually Richelle. That's just a name I usually give out to over-friendly strangers" 

He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't comment on it.

"Also erm yeah, really hard decision" I say unconvincingly answering his earlier question.

"Moving in?" He asks. 

"Moving out" I bluntly reply. 

"Isn't that the same thing?" He cleverly responds. He's quick witted, I'll give him that. 

"I guess, but I think whichever one you say, usually indicates the direction of your life. And I wouldn't count living with my parents again as 'Moving in'" I profoundly reply. I didn't mean to get all deep. 

"Oh, I get it" He says, his face full of realisation. What is there to get? 

"End of a relationship, huh? You couldn't quite keep your mouth shut." He teasingly replies. 

"He couldn't quite keep his pants on." I reply jokingly, then instantly quieten down upon realising what I had just said. INSTANT REGRET. 

"Cheater? Well hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." He said trying to lighten the mood. I wish I had just kept my mouth shut. 

"Well sort of... I guess." I slowly say, second guessing myself, "He left me for his ex, is that really cheating?" I genuinely asked him. 

"Close enough" He answered laughing. "Well you'll be wanting these" He continues, picking up a collection of flattened boxes and walking with me over to the checkout. He probably knows more than me anyway so why not. After paying and walking out the store I notice Noah is still beside me. 

When we arrive at my car I ask him "Not to be rude, but why are you still here?". That probably sounded so ungrateful. 

"Well I'd be a bad person to let you get all your stuff by yourself, and I'm guessing you don't want the cheater to help you." He replies, while opening my, now unlocked, car door, and sitting inside. He seems nice, and he's right. If I get murdered by him, I get murdered by him, nothing I can do about it now, I think to myself, getting in the car and starting to drive. 

"Why were you even at the store?" I speak my thoughts aloud to him. 

"Looking for a new drill, I'm trying to put together a table." He replies.

 "DIY guy, hey?" I add teasingly, and he scoffs. God he's so hot.

 We finally arrive at the apartment and he comes inside with me, and we soon start to pack things up. Mid way through packing I stop as I come across a bracelet on the table. It reads 'R&M <3' Ugh that's so cheesy. Despite the cringe of the engravement, I can't stop a tear rolling down my cheek. I suddenly realise, I'm not alone so I brush the tear away and keep packing, hoping Noah didn't notice. A few minutes later Noah appears next to me with something behind his back. 

"Er hi." I say to him. 

"To get over this douche you have to cut off all contact" He says out of nowhere. I just flash him a puzzled look, prompting him to explain. He then proceeds to grab my phone and scroll through my contacts, yeah like that's not an invasion of privacy. 

"Cheaters name, I saw it on a piece of paper, Max right?" He asks. I'm still confused, but I still nod to answer. 

"Great." He adds, with absolutely no context. I'd like to know what's going on... I hear a few sounds emit from my phone, before Noah hands me back the phone. 

"Deleted." He finally answers. WHAT!? HE HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT. I mean, ugh what am I thinking, I needed that. I guess he did see me crying. 

"Take these last few boxes and move them to the door." He says, mischievously. I do what he says, although I have no idea why. I eventually walk back towards him and raise an eyebrow. He then pulls out from behind his back, is that? .... A carton of eggs? 

"Erm, Noah, what-" I begin but he cuts me off "Now trash this place, you've got your stuff, and from what I've heard, he deserves it. It will make you feel better" He says. There is no way in hell I'm doing this, it's just not who I am. "Noah, no, I-" I start again, but this time I'm cut off by Noah lobbing an egg at a mirror. The nirror cracks a little, while the egg runs down it,  and I must say, that was eggstremely satisfying (Yes I also hate myself after that pun but I had to.). I grab an egg for myself and throw it at the TV. This really is making me feel better. I keep on throwing eggs around the place, before it turns into throwing papers and furniture around the place. Isn't this illegal? I don't care right now. After I completely lash out at the apartment I step back and look around. I have to say, it makes me glad that Max will be coming home to a completely trashed apartment. After admiring our work, Noah and I carry the boxes down to the car and we drive until we reach a small diner and have lunch. Noah really helped me today.

- I don't know what to think of this chapter, it's kinda meh. I didn't know how to end it so this happened 😂 I doubt this book will be updated for a while, I have exams soon, but Rule Breaker might be! Also guys, just please don't let strangers get into your cars, or invite them into your apartments or houses. And definitely don't trash your exes place, it's pretty illegal, no matter how much of a dick they were 😂Also where it says 'If he kills me, he kills me' or smth like that, DON'T ACCEPT THAT, DON'T DIE PLS. INSTANT REGRET ! THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING AGAIN! 💜 -  Once again, why did I write authors notes like this lmao also lmk what you guys think of this! also please vote! it means a lot

1348 Words 

I'll be okay, just not today. [Nochelle/Bryles]Where stories live. Discover now