Chapter 17: Can I have this dance ?

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a/n: Hey everyone, so this chapter is going to be a little long, and my tip is to just keep reading because it's going to be pretty good. if you didn't like it then idk what to tell you . Byess


Well it's time for me to go back to Florida this week. I am going back in Sunday, but the last thing I want to do before that I would like to support my sister Ariana. She is performing at the radio Disney music awards.

She going to perform her new single problem that's featuring Iggy Azalea. Except that she is not going to be performing with Ariana.

I saw her rehearsing with the dancers. Her vocals are always so amazing. I like some of her choreography, I seriously have nothing to do, but complementing her. Like her outfit, really like no words.

My sister is born to be a star. She came from performing on Broadway from being on victorious, and now she makes it big from her beautiful voice. While I was with her for her rehearsal, I saw Austin there. Now that's going to be awkward. Well not if I act like we are just friends and nothing happened.

Ugh . I hope I still don't like him, I mean everywhere I go like on twitter or Instagram, it's all about Austin and Camila. I mean I don't have anything against Camila, she is beautiful and talented.

They both are performing tomorrow for the RDMA. I don't know what is my intention with him, I just think it's going to be awkward.

I saw Austin coming backstage, I didn't know what to do. Ariana was done rehearsing, and she came backstage to put her microphone down, I went to her, making a conversation so I was pretty much trying to act natural, and act like Austin wasn't there .

In my head I was like don't notice me please don't notice me. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Carlene?" I turned around, it was Austin. I put on a smile, "hey Austin!" I said, while he hugged me.

"It's great seeing you, it's been a along time" he said.

" yeah..." I reply

"so how you been, you look amazing" he said.

"so do you, and I've been good" I said.

"Your sister was amazing" he said.

"yeah I know... So your performing right ?" I asked

"yeah I am, one of the singles in my new Album" he bragged

"that's cool" I said. I don't won't want to keep talking with him. Not to be mean or anything, I just I don't know but it's hard to explain.

"hey so where are you and your sister going to sit?" he asked

"hmm... I never actually thought about that" I said

"want to sit with me?" he asked

"um.. I will think about it.. hey there is Camila and the girls from fifth harmony. I am going to say hi" I said

"okay bye" he replied

I walked over to the girls of fifth harmony. "Hey!" I greeted

"Hi!" they all said.

"it's nice to meet you.. I don't know if you know me, but.." then Camila just cut me off and said...

" oh my gosh you are Ariana's little sister right ?" she came up and hug me.

" yeah I am, and you must be Camila"

I said.

We try making small talk, and they mostly talked about my sister. I mostly talked to almost everyone who is performing.

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