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A/N: i saw The 1975 32 fucking days ago


"hey matty i have somethin' to say" josh said as both him and matty were walking home from school.

"what is it joshua?" josh loved the way mattys thick british accent said joshua.

"n-nothing never mind its stupid honestly" josh said shrugging his shoulders thinking that matty wouldnt care

"nonsense joshua, come on tell me!" matty said playfully punching joshs shoulder

"okay well you know that one tyler kid in our Algebra 2 class?" josh said smiling towards matty a little bit.

"yeah what about m'?" matty said smiling obviously knowing what joshua was going to say, but just wanted to hear him say it

"well uh, ya know how im christian and all that stuff? well i kinda sorta maybe have a little crush on him" josh said blushing a little bit and smiling from ear too ear.

matty stopped and wiped a fake tear away. "oh my love is getting so big, and also are you sure its a tiny crush?" matty said laughing towards joshua.

"oh shut it timothy" josh said smiling knowing matty doesnt like people calling him by his middle name

"oh william you be quite love and dont call me by my middle name" matty said angry but still smiling at his best friend

"so why do you think you like this tyler boy?" said matty going back onto the topic at hand

"honestly how could you not? just the way he's so shy with every little thing he does and says, and his inoccent chocolate eyes that have so much thats hidden away for someone special to find, and dont even get me started on his fucking thighs oh my word i would do anything to see them wrapped around my waist bouncing up and down whi-"

"OKAY JOshua thats enough detail, and also shit joshua thats the second time ive heard you curse, and the first time was when we saw glass animals live and dave bayley came out and you screamed "fuck me!", but youre definitely not straight and you really seem to like m'."

"yeah, i really do, but my parents still dont think its right that the same genders should date." josh said kicking a rock

"fuck them joshua, well nevermind you know what i mean, but if you really like tyler then go and get him" matty said one hand on joshs shoulder smiling.

"yeah youre right, you should just be loving someone, right?"

A/N: i fucking miss the 1975 ok

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