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hello my loves !! im super duper sorry its been so long since ive updated !! ive been busy with school and during summer break i wasnt on my phone much, i hope you like this chapter !! love ya :)) xx


"well frick of COURSE you beat me at this stupid game" josh said angrily throwing his controller at matty.
"oh love stop bein' so fuckin overdramatic its just mario kart babe! im gonna go outside for a smoke, wanna join?" matty said throwing the remote back at joshua but not with as much force.
"i mean i guess just i wont be too close because then my parents would think that i smoke, which i dont" joshua said following matty outside
"damn joshua you crack me up, you saying you dont smoke is like you sayin' youre straight!" matty said cackling as they got outside
"matthew SHUT Up" joshua said knowing all well that matty was correct. "hey babe when are you gonna talk to that tyler kid so you guys can fuck because you guys are my number 1 otp" matty said taking a big puff from his cigarette.


"shit matty i dont fucking know, and anyways hes probably straight" joshua said taking the cigarette from matty and taking a puff

matty was laughing until his stomach hurt at what joshua had just said.

"are you fuckin' serious dun, have you not seen how he looks at you?" matty says still laughing

"n-no i havent how does he look at me?" josh says immediately interested on what the curly haird boy had to say.

"hes always looking at you with those lovey dovey eyes, and any time you even glance at him his thighs squeeze together and his face turns red, damn mate you gotta pay attention to things like that my love" matty said taking the cigarette back from joshua

"holy shit youre right i never noticed that" josh says now completely in his own world thinking of tylers thighs and-

"joshua babe my mum just texted me i gotta go ill see ya' tomorrow and make sure to at least get his number" matty kisses joshua on the cheek then goes into his car and drives home.

since his only real friend matty was busy doing god knows what, joshua decided to go to bed a little earlier then usual.

he walked up the stairs into the bathroom chose his favorite playlist on spotify and took a quick shower. once he was done with that he put on a semi big shirt and some boxers, turned on fixer upper, and went to bed thinking of a feminine boy named tyler.

a/n: its 2am......i hope u guys like this !! sorry its short ;(

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