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hi :) again im sorry ive been gone my mental health was shit due to school and other things but hopefully you enjoy this chapter ! 😘 also uh eotfw is literally the best fucking show im so in love with alex lawther just wow he looks like hes done every drug and has pneumonia but man fuck me 😩🤤💦❤️

Anytime i looked at josh my heart just, explodes i couldn't help but just smile at his adorable face, his laugh could fucking cure cancer, and his curly black hair just i wanted to run my fingers through it. his personality was absolutely incredible. i thought about him every second of every day, i just could never stop staring at him. he makes my heart cry from how beautiful he is. All of that was going through my mind when i saw him for 7 seconds while i was waiting in the lunch line and he was walking to his P.E class. we made eye contact but it wasnt very long, m' wish it was longer. but anyways after that i got my lunch and sat down at my usual table with my friends, matty, gustav, alex, ross, ashley, gabby, and millie. theyve all been my friends for god knows how long. but once i sat down i had a smile on my face from when josh and i made eye contact. "ooo tyler who has you lookin all smiley" Gustav says winking. "No one shut up" i say playfully. no one at that table actually knew that i was basically in love with josh, but once lunch ended we all went to class and basically just did arts and crafts it was a lot of fun. but my last class was my FAVORITE class which was theatre, i had many friends in there and everyone was just super nice. i sad down in my usual spot by one of my best friends hallie. she knows that i like josh very very much and she has basically all of her classes with him and i dont have any classes with him, last semester i had 4 classes with him but 2nd semester he changed all of them and i was really sad. Today she told me that he was talking about one of his ex's debby, i dont like debby very much if im being honest, shes rich and preppy and got a white mustang convertible for christmas then was complaining to her parents about how it was "a used car" shes just a bitch honestly. but anyways hallie was talking about how josh was talking about her then some how my name got into the conversation, he said "yeah tylers pretty nice" then smiled his adorable squinty smile and went back to talking about debby, when i heard this i just didnt know what to say i was smiling like an idiot and was basically having a stroke because of a boy. but when the day ended i put my earbuds in blasting the song Renee by sales which is a mega bop. once i got on my bus i said hello like usual to my bus driver then sat in my usual spot. once the bus started driving to my bus stop since im the first to get off. i saw josh, i saw josh with his older brother carrying boxes into the school, it felt like my heart stopped i tried not to stare but it was impossible. his hair got longer was something i noticed and he looked amazing. i immediately got onto instagram to my spam account and made a post with the caption "WOW I JUST SAW MY CRUSH AND HE LOOKS SO GOOD MY HEART IS EXPLODING" once i posted it my BEST friend commented and said "boy just jump on his dick" and i reply "if only 😭" once my bus drops me off i walk into my house give my mom a kiss on the cheek, change into my lazy clothes do some homework and then took a nap. once i wake up i see that its already 7:49 so i hop into the shower, once i get out i dry myself and put the same lazy clothes back on, play SuperCat 2 until about 11 then go back to sleep making up romantic scenarios about josh and i.

a/n: i basically made this about my crush, i just changed some names :))) hopefully you like this ! sorry its kinda shit !

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