Chapter 10

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Elliot's POV

Today was the day. I was finally getting my surgery. I got dressed and went downstairs. I tried going downstairs by myself but I missed a step and fell. I got up and said, "I'm okay!" I sat down next to Ricky and had breakfast. When I finished I found my way to the living room and laid down on the couch. I was terrified. So many things could go wrong and there is nothing I could do.

About an hour later it was time to leave. As usual, I sat in the window seat. Next to me was Avril and next to her was Jc. Kian was driving. Sam and Trevor were gonna meet us there. I looked in the rear view mirror and I looked like a vampire. "Are you okay, Elliot? You don't look so good." Kian said clearly concerned. "Yeah, just nervous, I guess." I said. "You sure?" Jc asked rubbing my arm. I nodded making the, "mm hm" noise.

---At the hospital---

I held Avril's hand tightly as we walked into the hospital lobby. I felt as if I could throw up. I got dressed in a hospital dress thing. I waved one last goodbye to my family before going into surgery.

Avril's POV

Elliot waved goodbye but I didn't want to leave. I started walking behind her. They went farther and farther so I started running. Jc grabbed me from behind and carried me away. I started screaming and crying but it wouldn't work. I eventually gave up and cried into Jc's chest. It felt weird crying. It felt like I was letting go of everything. It felt good. I still missed my sister. She's only been gone for like 2 minutes now but I still missed her. She was too young and innocent to be going through all this. We waited for about 1 or 2 hours before the nurse came in. We all stood up as she said, "Elliot is fine. She is still sleeping but you can come in." She motioned for us to follow her. We walked in and she was sound asleep. She looked peaceful, like she was happy for once. I sat down next to the hospital bed and sang the chorus of one of her favorite songs, Sugar We're Goin' Down by Fall Out Boy. "We're going down, down in an earlier round. Sugar we're going down swinging. I'll be your number one with a bullet. A loaded Gun complex, cock it and pull it." I sang. He eyes fluttered open but she immediately closed them and covered her face. Her hands were shaking like crazy and it wouldn't stop.

Elliot's POV

After the surgery I wanted to take a nap. After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep I gave up and just kept my eyes closed. I heard a door open and 7 different voices. I heard footsteps toward my bed and singing. It was Avril and she was singing my favorite song. I couldn't refuse that so I opened my eyes. The light was so bright that it hurt me. I covered my eyes with my extremely shaky hands. I opened my eyes again and I adjusted to the light. I put my hands down and noticed I was still shaking. Whatever, the anesthesia probably didn't wear off yet. "Hi." a nice, soft voice said. I think it was Ricky. "Huro!" I said sleepily. When I saw all of them standing around me I wanted to go home. "Can you take me home?" I asked closing my eyes again. "Not yet, sweetie." Connor said. "But I wanna go home." I said opening my eyes slowly. "Please." I said. I wasn't asking like those little kids but like I needed them to.

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