Hot and Annoying

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"Yesterday was fun." He smirks at me through the window. Because of that my mom thinks we like each other, like that's ever going to happen.

"Brian and Scott are coming over today so you wanna join?" He asks spraying cologne over his body. It's so strong I can smell it from here. "No Dylan?" I spray on some perfume as well but unlike him I won't suffocate and die. Okay I love the smell of cologne but when it's freshly put on it sucks. "Nah, he's a prick for doing that to you. He's so shallow it's not even funny."

I smile back to yesterday. I still can't believe I did that. "Sure I'll come but can I bring Ally?" I enquire sending puppy eyes at him. "Yeah sure." I fist pump the air and close my curtains to call Ally.


"Scott I dare you to like the whole bottom of your foot." His rolls his eyes and we all let out laughs. We're playing spin the bottle (truth or dare version) and I really don't want it to land on me.

"Dani!" God no! I look at ally and she smirks. Oh no, I know that smirk from a mile away. "I dare you and Caleb to kiss." My eyes go wide. I've never kissed anyone before and she knows that. I glance over at Caleb who's just smirking. "I'm waiting." I move in closer towards him and chicken out.

"I'm sorry I can't. It's not you Caleb it's just that I've never had my first kiss before an-" I get cut off with a pair of lips on mine. I close my eyes and our lips move in sync. He deepens the kiss and I follow what he does. He separates from me and we go back to our spot. My stomach turns and my palms start to sweat. "Not bad for your first time." Caleb says smirking.

My face goes red and I look over to Ally who's just smiling. This is so embarrassing. "I've got to go now. I'll see you guys at school."

I put on my shoes, run outside and into my house. I slam the door shut and slide down with my back pressed against the door.

Caleb was my first kiss. I can't believe this. I get lost into my thoughts but a knock on the window interrupts it. "Hey sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have kissed you if you weren't comfortable." I can see the guilt in his eyes. "No, it's not your fault. My first kiss could've been with a total douchebag." He lets out a small smile. "So I'm not a douchebag?"

His smirk returns to his face and I roll my eyes. "You're the biggest douchebag I've ever met but you're nice...sometimes." I jump onto my bed and let the kiss replay in my mind. I don't even like Caleb in that way and he was my first kiss. Why couldn't it be someone who loves me and not just because it was a dare.


"You're so beautiful. I love you so much. I've loved you since the day we've met and I know you're the one for me." A tear slips down my cheek and I let out a small sob.

The end credits roll and I clap like a sobbing loser. I'm in my room watching sad movies that make me cry my eyes out. Why do I do this to myself. I turn off the tv and wipe away the tear stains from my eyes.

I hear my phone buzz and see a text from Caleb. When did we exchange numbers?

I heard you crying, are you alright?

I start laughing like a maniac.

Why are you laughing?

Because I was watching sad movies and you could hear me crying from your room.

I thought you were dying.

Then why didn't you check on me?

I thought your mom was in the room.

Lies. I know you never cared about me.


I scoff and let out a small laugh. He's such an ass. "WHY IS MY NAME CALEB THE LOSER?" He shouts from his room. "BECAUSE YOU'RE A LOSER!" I shout back at him.

I put on some music and dance in my room. What? I'm bored okay. I press shuffle play and So Long by Massari plays. I try to do a cartwheel but fall on my butt. "Priceless!" Caleb starts laughing holding his phone in his hand. Wait, is he videotaping me? I reach through the window and snatch his phone out of his hand.

"Dani, give that back!" He climbs onto my window and I start panicking. Where do I go! He runs over to me but I stand on my chair so he can't reach. I fall off my chair and he catches me. We gaze into each other's eyes while I was still holding his phone. Okay, that not how it went at all. I fell off my chair and landed face first into the floor.

He grabs his phone and runs back into his room. He didn't even help me up wow. Such a gentleman. "Thanks for helping me up!" I shout with my face still buried on the floor. "Anytime darling!" He shouts back at me and I mentally roll my eyes.

"Darling? What am I a grandma?" I brush myself up and pull my spinning chair over to the window. "You are getting old. I think you might need glasses to add to the look." Wow I'm younger than him. Okay, by a couple months but still.

"I do have glasses." I say flatly. He starts laughing hysterically."Show t-them to m-me." He says between laughs. I grab my glasses and put them on. I hate my glasses. He takes a picture of me and sends it to me. You look so funny.

I grab my phone but he grabs it away from me. "Hey! Give that back!" This time I crawl into his room. "I'll give it for a kiss." He puckers his lips and I scrunch my nose. "Ew you're gross." I jump up and down to catch it but it's no use. "Please give it back."

My phone buzzes and he unlocks my phone to read the text message. How does he know my password? "Caleb is so hot and cute. I love him so much." My eyes go wide. I never wrote that. "I'm kidding that's not what it says.

He hands me back my phone and I reply to the text message. It was just Ally asking what I'm wearing at school tomorrow. I text her back with an idk and close my phone.

"You're so annoying." I roll my eyes. "Hot and annoying." He adds on smirking. "Cocky much." I reply looking around in his room.

My music is still playing from my room and that's all I can hear at this point. I look at his phone that was sitting on the table plugged with headphones in and see that One Direction is playing.

"You listen to One Direction?" I start laughing so hard I could barely breathe. "No. He shuts off the music and his face turns red. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I listen to them too." I say after wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. "Yeah but you're a girl. Guys are supposed to listen to rap music which in my opinion is stupid. You can't tell anyone or I'll get made fun of and I'll punch you in the face."

"I won't say anything. Guys can listen to 1D as much as girls can. Goodnight...Directioner." I race to my room before he can stop me. I stick my tongue out at him in victory. I shut the curtains, turn off my music, and slug into bed. Today was a wild day.


Caleb is a Directioner. I didn't think any of you saw that coming. To all my Directioners out there! Love ya!
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