Prize Possession

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I walk into English class and sit down immediately opening my books. I skim through the previous chapter we read in class and then close the book. "Hey, freak." Clair says walking right past me. She struts towards Caleb and gives him a quick peck on the lips before sitting in her seat.

I adjust my top and put my head in my hands. Dani's throwing a party tonight which means that I'm gonna have to go. I play with my pencil for a bit before realizing something. Brian is going. Oh shit! That means Caleb's gonna be there. I mentally face palm and roll my eyes.

It's a formal party which means I have to wear a really cute dress. I look back at Clair and sigh. She's not as tough as she seems. There's just some things you can't disguise.

Suddenly the bell rings and I quickly pack my bag and leave. I spot Ally and walk up to her. "You're coming right?" She asks practically begging. I give her a slight nod and walk towards my car. I drive home and run upstairs to my closet. Rummaging though my clothes, I spot a really pretty dress. I smirk to myself and smile.

I send a pic to Ally and she sends back heart eye emojis

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I send a pic to Ally and she sends back heart eye emojis. I grab my lip gloss and walk out the door.

I walk into the venue and see so many girls wearing pretty dresses. I adjust my hair and walk into the hall. I spot Ally and walk towards her. She sees me and squeals. "Dani, you look drop dead gorgeous!!" I laugh and compliment her as well. From the corner of my eyes I see Caleb staring at me. I greet Brian with a hug and excuse myself.

I walk right past Caleb and up to Scott. "Hey Scott!" I scream past the music. "Hey Dani, you look amazing." He says smiling back at me. Caleb comes up to me and waves. I ignore it and keep talking to Scott. "Dani, you look stunning." Caleb says and I scoff.

I put my hand on his shoulder and shake my head. "I know I do." I push his shoulder slightly and walk to the dance floor grabbing Ally's hand. I dance with Ally to Slow Down by Selena Gomez. As I'm dancing, I feel a hand grab my wrist. Before I can say anything, I'm pulled into a closet. I meet beautiful brown eyes and scoff knowing it's Caleb.

"What do you want?" I say folding my arms. He doesn't say anything. I grab the door handle but I get pinned back by Caleb. He kisses me deeply and I immediately kiss back. He starts to kiss my neck and runs his hands down my arms. Sparks shoot up my arms and my breathing gets heavy.

The memory of Caleb kissing Clair flashes through my mind and I immediately push him back. I look at him through my hurtful eyes and walk out of the closet. I spot Clair and walk up to her. "Tell your boyfriend to keep it in his pants." I turn around and walk away as I hear Clair yelling at Caleb.

I run over to Ally and hug her tightly. She's taken off guard but hugs me back without questioning it. "It's going to be fine." She whispers into my ear and kisses my forehead. I give her a small smile and she drags me to the dance floor. We dance together for a while and then Brian and Scott join in.

I get lost in the music and a smile spreads across my face. Music is therapy. Friends are therapy. I've held onto Caleb for so long only to be disappointed again and again. I don't need him to be happy.

In this very moment, I felt utter bliss. I felt as if there is nothing in this world that could hurt me. My friends bring out a side of me that Caleb could never. He really did throw away a diamond looking for a stone. Ally has always said that to me. My last boyfriend who cheated on me and Caleb, they both have two things in common. They take those who care about them for granted. Being the bad boys prize possession is hard, but being your own prize possession is much harder.

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