Broken promises

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I sit up on my bed and smile thinking about what happened last night. Caleb asked me to be his girlfriend, in the most simplest way possible and I loved it.

I hear a knock of the window and Caleb crawls into my bedroom. "Good morning girlfriend." He says making me blush. Gosh, he is so cheesy. He kisses my forehead and I walk into the bathroom to get dressed.

The whole school is going to freak out about this. I can already imagine the headline: nerd girl and Caleb Ryder; a recipe for disaster. I shake it off and sit in the car with Caleb.

"Don't worry about what others think." He says breaking the silence. I swear he can read minds. I nod fiddling with my fingers anxiously.

We pull up in the parking lot and as soon as I step out of the car, Caleb takes my hand in his and smiles pulling me closer towards him.

As soon as we enter the school we receive numerous glares by everyone. Whispers flood the hall as we move further into the school. Caleb smirks and purposely pulls me closer into him knowing that all of the girls won't help but stare.

We make our way towards English class and he takes a seat right next to me. Clair, a girl Caleb was dating a while back glares right at me and then flips her hair.

"Hey Caleb!" She says batting her eyelashes. She touches his arm leaning into him but Caleb moves away quickly. "Sorry but I have a girlfriend." He says smirking at her and then flashes me a smile.

"Who? Her? You're dating nerd girl!" She remarks snorting loudly. "She won't last. Bad boys don't date good girls." She says grabbing him by the collar and smirking."This won't last, you'll just end up running back to me." She struts away from the desk and into hers.

I tense at the idea of him and Clair together. Caleb squeezes my hand reassuringly and I take a deep breath out that I didn't know I was holding.

Once class was over, I walk out and see Ally waving at me. I quickly run to her and hug her. "I've got news!" She squeals. "Me too!" I say blushing. "I'm finally getting the dream car I want. My mom's getting me the Range Rover!" She squeals while doing a little happy dance.

She stop dancing mid way as she notices Caleb walk over and hold my hand. "Wait... NO WAY!" She screams jumping up and down. "I totally called this." She says while Brian walks over.

"Dude you did it!" Brian says punching Caleb while nodding his head. Caleb flashes me a cute smile and squeezes my hand. "Party at my place tonight and you're both coming." Brian says wrapping his arm around Ally's neck. We both nod our head while making our way out of the school.


"Ally hurry up! The party starts in two hours and I still haven't found my dress." I whine walking into another store.

"This is cute, try it on." Ally throws a dark blue dress at me and I sigh. I walk towards the change room and try it on. I examine myself in my mirror and smile. I think I found my dress.

I open the curtains to show Ally. She squeals jumping up and down. Well I guess she approves. I pay for the dress and rush outside.

Opening my room door, I throw the dress on the bed and quickly start doing my hair.... then my makeup, and finally jewelry.

I take a few steps back to admire the finished look and smile. Caleb walks into my room through the window and his jaw drops. "Is- is that my girlfriend?" He says walking over to me. He takes my hand in his and kisses my forehead.

I quickly sit in his car and we drive to the party.

"Dani, Caleb, come grab some drinks!" Scott yells from across the room. Caleb pushes through the crowd and hands me a drink. "Caleb, I don't drink." He raises his eyebrows and puts the drink down. "Seriously? You've never tried beer before?" I shake my head and he laughs.

He hands me a cup of orange juice and continues talking to Scott. I spot Ally from across the room and wave at her. I walk over to her and sigh. "This party is going to be a total bust." I lay my head on her shoulder. "You only say that because you hate parties." She chuckles.

"Why would anyone volunteer to come here. It's filled with wasted students, puke in the bushes, and whores." I regret coming here. "I'm going to find Caleb." I yell over the music and push my way through the crowd.

I spot Clair and Caleb together. She looks at me and puts her hand around his neck. She slowly closes the gap between them and kisses him. I wait to see if Caleb would push her off but he doesn't. His hand travels all over her body as they deepen the kiss.

My blood boils and I walk straight up to Caleb and slap him. I also look directly at Clair and slap her as well. With tears streaming down my face I pull Ally out of the party and into her car. "Take me home." I say sobbing. "What happened Dani?" She wipes me tears away and hugs me.

"Caleb and Clair happened." I say in between sobs. "It's been one day. Just ONE DAY and he already runs back to her. I knew I shouldn't have said yes to him. I thought he was different. I thought he would never hurt me but he did." As the words slip out, I look over at Ally who looks completely heart broken.

"Dani, I really think you should let Caleb go. You've liked him for a while and you even tried dating. Obviously this isn't going to work out unless Caleb changes which I know he won't. At least not that easily."

Ally is right. I think it might be time to move on from Caleb. There's only a month left until graduation anyway so it's not like I'm going to see him again. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath. It's time to get over him.

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