Car jams and guitar songs

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I look at Dylan with wide eyes. What did I just do? I slowly pick up my skateboard and ride down the street back to my house. Once I get into my room, I quickly shut the door and slide down it. Why did I punch Dylan? I mean, he deserved it, but why? School tomorrow is going to be a nightmare. Tears slide down my cheeks as I bring my knees up to my chest.

I hear a knock on my window and I look up wiping away my tears. Caleb climbs though the window and sits beside me. Without saying anything I embrace him. "I'm so sorry!" I wipe away my tears and look up at him. His face has bruises and so does his arms.

"Caleb, what happened?" I slowly ask him examining his arms. "I sort of got into a fight with Dylan after you left. He has no right to do that to you." His hands clench from the memory but I take his hands in mine and squeeze them reassuring him. "You didn't need to do that. You could've just left. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. It's all my fault."

I put my head in my hands as I sob silently. He takes my hand and notices bruises all over my arm. "This is why I had to do something. I promised my parents that I wouldn't let anyone come in harm if I saw someone getting hurt. He beat you up pretty bad and I couldn't just watch him do that to you."

Without saying another word, I give him a huge hug. "Thank you." I whisper into his ears repeatedly.

"It's getting late Dani, I should go. Please take care of yourself." I nod and open the window for him to climb out.

I drop into my bed and shut my eyes. Flashbacks flow through my mind like crazy. Tomorrow is going to be hell.


"Are you sure you're ready?" Caleb asks as we pull up at the school driveway. I give him a reassuring smile and then climb out. I walk to my first period class with Caleb. The word got out that I punched Dylan. Some came up to congratulate me but most just gave me dirty looks.

As I made it to class, everyone went dead silent. Dylan was in this class as well. He had an eyepatch on his eye and a couple other bruises. "Look who decided to show up!" A crowd gathers around Caleb and I. "Just leave her alone." He spats at Dylan but he just laughs.

"What do you see in her anyway. She's a useless bitch who tries to act all tough. She can't do anything." Everyone laughs at his comment. "You want me to remind you about who's tough?!" I take a swing at Dylan but Caleb holds me back. "I told you we shouldn't have come to school today." Caleb whispers. I'm not letting Dylan win.

"They're not dating. I'm dating him." A random girl from the back calls. What is she talking about? Caleb doesn't even have a girlfriend. "Wait, you guys aren't dating? Finally, you've made one good choice in your life Caleb." I glance over at him and see his hands in fists. "Come on, let's go." I tug on his jacket as a signal to go.

Before I make my way to the exit, I walk back at Dylan and slap him as hard as I could. "That's for calling me a useless bitch." I was about to leave but then I turned around and kicked him where the sun don't shine. "That one was just for fun." I walk out and Caleb smirks at me. "Good girl's getting tough huh." He teases. "Oh please, I could knock him out in my sleep." He chuckles at my comment as we make our way out of the school.

"You wanna grab a bite to eat?" He asks while starting up his car. "Burger King?" I ask and he gives me a high five. "Oh yeah!" We make our way to the drive through and order our food. Once we get our food, we park our car and eat with music playing in the background.

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