/Kapitel Zwölf/

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Alyss. Will (Intention) of the Abyss. That's her name. Pure and innocent, but only in appearance. She controls the chains that bind the world together. She controls the darkness that keeps the world apart. Many worlds. Many places. Each having a story to be told. This story was messed up. This story was wrong. She sensed it; she came to fix it. The book of 'Tokyo Ghoul' should not be interfering with 'Kuroshitsuji.' This could not be a new story. This could not be 'Tokyo-Shitsuji.' For the Tokyo as Kaneki knew it, was not the Tokyo that Ciel knew, or could ever know. These two could not be friends. They shouldn't have met. This was all wrong.

Alyss floated closer to the ground, to step on it, but her presence was too strong and a crater appeared with each step she took. She shouldn't be allowed to leave the Abyss. She shouldn't be allowed to be here physically. However, she had forced it to be so. The story must end. Things must go back to what they once were. 

"Cheshire Cat, you have done wrong in bringing Ken Kaneki here," she spoke English, that was clear, but her voice didn't sound like one that should come from a vengeful spirit. It sounded like a pure child. Her face changed. Madness left her. Her grin was happy; almost childlike.

"But we can deal with that later. Come now, my dear Ken, it is time we get you home," she outstretched her hand. Kaneki didn't take it, "oh? Could it be? That you like this tale better than your own? Hm. I wonder. Did you actually wish death upon Touka? And here I thought you two had a connection. Did you wish Shuu to die as well? When I entered the picture? Did you wish death upon Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bardroy as well? Surely you don't think they survived that rubble, do you?" her face still childlike. However, her aura still strong. She was menacing in the purest way.

Kaneki opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't utter a single word. Hinami had fainted a long time ago, from the aura Alyss gave off. Ciel could barely remain standing, he relied fully on Sebastian. And Cheshire, well, he was grinning a cat's grin. He'd accepted his fate, whatever it may be, and expected the others to do so as well.

Alyss continued to hold out her hand. She continued to wait until Kaneki made some sort of intentions to grab it. When he didn't move, she continued to speak, "do you really think this story is any better than your own? You killed thousands of ghouls, and for what? Because you were angry? You'll kill hundreds of people too, if you remain here, with them," Alyss gestured to the butler and earl, "you do not know his story. He does not know yours. You two can't possibly be friends," she spat the word 'friends' as if it was venom. As if she didn't believe that having a friend would be possible in any world.

"'They're dead,' says Wordsworth. 'They're never going to move again,' says Bronte. 'This is just like the circus. All of our friends disappear,' cries Emily," Snake stumbled out from the bushes nearby. He had been in the garden while the manor collapsed. Snake sent some of his snakes to go check for life, there was none. 

"'What is going on?' asks Keats."

"It seems as if Mr. Kaneki is a bit more than just a simple ghoul," Sebastian replied. The butler pushed Ciel towards Snake, "be sure to take him away from here. Keep him safe. I'll observe what happens on my own."

"No," muttered Ciel, "I'm not a child," he growled, trying to stand up on his own, "I'm going to stay here."

Ciel carefully made his way over to Kaneki, trying his best to walk proud. He stood in-between the two white-haired individuals. Ciel faced Kaneki and placed his hands on Kaneki's shoulders, to steady himself, "don't listen to her. I don't care who she is. Your life is your own. Make your own choices. Stay here or leave. Those are the options you have. If you stay, these people are dead. If you leave, you might be able to save them. Everything has a price, Ken. My price was my soul," Ciel paused, his vision blurring, "and something tells me...now isn't the time for you to lose yours," Ciel closed his eyes. He felt himself fall. Would Kaneki be there when he woke up? Or would Kaneki be gone? 

"If I leave, will things to back to as they were?" Kaneki asked, finding his voice again. He was calm. He felt no fear now. He just had to make a simple decision. Well, not so simple, for there were lives that would be impacted upon his choice.

"If you leave, it will be as if you were never here," Alyss stated.

"If you leave, you'll be back in that chair, ~nya. Back in that spot, with no memories, ~nya," Cheshire warned.

Kaneki paused. He thought. He weighed the possibilities. But, what choice did he have? Staying here, would just be running away from his fate. Staying here, wasn't going to change a single thing about who he was. People were going to die, no matter what world he was in. So, why ruin this one? By being in a story that wasn't his own?

The male turned to Sebastian, "I hope Ciel makes a friend one day," he began, "I would ask, that he stopped seeking revenge, but, I see now, that revenge is his only purpose for existence. Once he completes it, not only his soul will be gone, but his life, his reason for going on..."

Sebastian nodded. For, that was a demon's job. A demon's goal was to corrupt and ruin any chance of a human's existence beyond a certain sin, "I wish you luck, Mr. Kaneki. But, do not make the same mistakes, or perhaps, the one who comes to save you next, will not be a cat, but a demon instead," Sebastian's eyes glimmered. 

Kaneki smiled, "I don't think anything like this will happen to me again. What the mind forgets, the body remembers, and if my body wishes to run, then it'll run in my own story," Kaneki grabbed Alyss's hand. Cheshire opened a portal, back to his dimension, back to his room, with the books, with the worlds. It was time now, for Kaneki to return to his own tale.

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