Nerika ???!😭

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I showered of and and came out with a towel I picked a ~outfit ~

I went and chatted with Tessa K: sooo chessa how are you feeling about it T: I'm so happy when I asked him about the comment about the girl he said she was a close friendK: good for youT: sooo Nendall ✌🏻💎!!K: he's so sweet and charming T: have y...

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I went and chatted with Tessa
K: sooo chessa how are you feeling about it
T: I'm so happy when I asked him about the comment about the girl he said she was a close friend
K: good for you
T: sooo Nendall ✌🏻💎!!
K: he's so sweet and charming
T: have you seen Erika
K: no I don't want to see her face she told me that Neels is her's
T: yah she had a crush on him since she joined team 10 but don't worry Neels loves you
K: ik anyways cya later boo ily
T: cya ilyt
I went to my room and saw Erika on top of neels and they both were making out neels pushed Erika off him
K: what are you doing (started to cry 😭)
N: no no no I can explain
K: explain what your making out with that bitch
(Everyone came )
N: she kissed me first I swear plz trust me
He cups his hands on my cheek I push them away
E: you were making out with me neels just admit it
N: shut up you tucking bitch
K: go ahead be with her I don't care just get out of my room
Erika went to her room Neels moved to the guest room and Tessa left Erika's room and came with me
T: don't worry everything is going to be fine
K: no it's not I haven't been with him for a month and he cheats on me
At the moment it was 10:15 at night me and Tessa were wearing bras and sweatpants
Kenny: good morning
J/ch/A/n: good morning
I didn't make I contact with Neels, Erika woke up and went near Neels
E: hey baby (she kissed Neels)
N:(he pushed her away) wtf do you want fuck off
J: so Kenny what the surprise for today
K: we are going to a waterfall and jumping of cliffs
Everyone was excited
K:anyways I'm going to the pool anyone wanna come with
T: me
Chanthony: us
K: Erika don't u want to come
E: no I rather not
K: then why are you fucking here go home uhh
T: yah 😒
Erika went to her room me and Tessa went to our rooms
~my bikini~

I went and chatted with Tessa K: sooo chessa how are you feeling about it T: I'm so happy when I asked him about the comment about the girl he said she was a close friendK: good for youT: sooo Nendall ✌🏻💎!!K: he's so sweet and charming T: have y...

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Me and Tessa were taking pic in the mirror of us in bikini ( someone knocked on the door)
T/k: who is it
N: it's Neels I just forgot my swimsuit
T: fine quick
He comes in and looks for his swimsuit
T: I better leave (saying it in a sarcastic way )
K:no no no no no don't leave me alone with him (whisper screaming)
She left I was walking to the door
N: wait Kendall
K: what do u want
N: plz just give me a chance don't you trust me
K: i did a day ago but now I don't after you made out with that slut
N: she made out with me I tried pulling away but I couldn't
K: stop making shit up Neels and plz don't ruin this trip for us
A tear ran down his face I felt bad but I remembered what he did to me so I left
I went and jumped in the pool and I was having so much for I got out of the pool I put on shirts that show my butt and we got on a helicopter to near the waterfall I took some pic for Insta with Tessa but Erika didn't come he had fun and the instructor told us if we wanted to jump we needed to hold hand and to my luck I held hands with Neels ( the order was chance,Tessa,me,Neels,Jake,matinaz,nick)
We jump and snapped some pics and went back home ,everyone was in the kitchen except me and Neels.
N: plz ken talk to me
K: just stop !!
N: I won't stop I love you
K: I loved you but you made that love go away
N: I didn't Erika did
K: can't you just be the blame for once your not a 4 year old !!
N: plz just let me explain!!!
Jake: guy I just found out that there are camera's in our room so we can see if Neels is right or wrong
K: fine let's go see
Wen went to the screen and we saw that Neels was sitting on the bed and Erika came in and got on top of him and started making out he was trying as hard as he can to push her away but she wouldn't budge
(A tear came running down my face)
N: now you believe me
K: I'm so sorry I accused you of kissing Erika
I collapsed on him and hugged him so tight I felt so safe and then I went to Erika's room and slapped her across her face
K: you fucking bitch
E: wtf what was that for
K: you kissed Neels and then lie to me
Neels: baby stop it ok
I started crying Neels hugged me I felt safe again
Jake: Erika we are kicking you out of team 10 get the fuck out of this house
E: I don't even need you
Erika went back to LA
It was 10:15 at night
T: well I better go back to my from since Neels is moving back in
K: I going to miss you soo much cya tomorrow
T: cya 🌹🌹
I closed the door
I went to Neels I crossed my arms around his neck and he put his hand on my waist
K: I'm sorry I didn't trust you ( I look down sad)
N: don't be sad I get it btw when we were in La and Erika wanted to talk to u in her room what did she say??
K: she said the Neels is mine and she's gonna take you from me ( a tear runs down my face) I hugged Neels so tight and started to cry
N: aww baby don't cry ily so much
K: I'm sorry your shirt is socking wet
N: it's ok now I missed those juicy lip
We smashed our lips together and made out for 10 min Tessa can in
T: oh I should probably leave I just wanted to get some thing
K: oh it ok
She got her stuff and went out we made out even more.

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