Chapter 13 👅

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After u went back to Logans apartment
K: I'm hungry
L: were do u wanna go
K: I don't know (u say while jumping up and down in a babyish tone
L: ok what are u craving anything for my baby
You smile the cutest smile ever Logan comes up to u and kissed your noses
U laugh
K: I want ice cream and your eating it with me
L: I can't I'm on a diet
K: uhh come on u said anything for me 🙁☹️
L: fine lego
K: wait I need to change
L: yah same
K: brb
L: k
U wore a Gucci crop top and ripped boyfriend jeans with a Black Nike shoes
Logan wore black jeans a white tank top and a bomber jacket
We went to the ice cream place Logan was eating his ice cream so I snapchated him eating It then I pushed the ice cream 🍦 into his lips and I laugh it backfired when he kissed me and it was all over my cheek we laughed and went home at the time it waspish the
I'm not sure ll
12:00 at o'clock
U shiver Bcz it's so cold
L: u cold
K: yah but it's ok
Logan gives u his bomber jacket
K: thx babe
L: I said anything for u
I giggle he puts his hand around my shoulder
The next thing u know it Logan is on the ground from Bcz someone shots him on his back
K: no no no no Logan plz stay with me u started crying I called an ambulance they toke him to the hospital u got a call from Jake
K: hey
J: hey I Heard what happens with Logan I'm coming to pick u up
K: ok
Jake came and u went in the hospital u were still crying u the doctor came up to u two
K: I'm how's Logan
D: I'm sorry he didn't make it he lost so much blood
K: plz I can give him some of my blood
D: I'm afraid it's to late
K: can I see him at least
D: go ahead
I wen to the room and saw Logans lifeless body
K: Jake can I have a moment alone
J: yah sure
U took a chair and sat beside Logan u held his hand and started crying
K: I didn't have enough time with u
U put your head on his hand 
U hear giggling
U look up
L: baby it's a prank
K: wtf
L: I'm fine this was all a prank from the gun shot to the ambulance
U got mad and left Logan ran behind u
L: baby it's not real
K: why the fuck did u lie to me
U said while u were walking
L: I'm sorry I thought it would be fun
K: well guess what it backfired it's not fun
U went to your car and went to Logans Bcz your house was under construction 🔨
U went to his room and toke kong with u  you forgot to look the door after 5mins of crying alone  the door opens and it's Logan
K: get out
L: I'm sorry baby I didn't mean for this to happen
K: u actually scared me (I started to cry my eyes out)
L: aww baby don't cry
K: how can't I I luv u and care about u way to much for me not to cry
L: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
Logan leaned in closer and kissed you wet lips and tasted your tear
U took his face and kissed him back
U stopped and looked into each other's eyes
L: your tears taste good good
U giggle
L: your cute
There were tears on you face so Logan licked them
K: Logan ewww
L: I wuv u
K: u always get away with stuff with that phrase
Logan payed u down on the bed and got on top of u  and started sucking on your neck you let out a light moan he formed a hickey u then form a hickey on his abs I toke a shower and changed into a bran and underwear
L: someone's looking sexy
K: awww thx baby
{kinda dirty}
Logan picked you up and put u on the bed he started kissing u and u kissed him back then he started licking your stomach and started sucking on your boobs near your nipple you start sucking on his chest and u start touching the v-shape near his dick and Logan starts squeezing your butt and u gasps
L: I'm sorry did I hurt u
K: yah a little babe I'm tired can u sleep with me I'm scared 😕
L: yah of course
U cuddle with Logan and fall asleep
U wake up and Logan is asleep
K: babe wake up
His mouth was slightly open

After u went back to Logans apartment K: I'm hungry L: were do u wanna goK: I don't know (u say while jumping up and down in a babyish toneL: ok what are u craving anything for my baby You smile the cutest smile ever Logan comes up to u and kissed...

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K: come on
U kissed him on his cheek nothing worked then u kissed his lips
L: uhhh what happens to my lips
K: good morning babe I just kissed your lips
Logan touched his lips in a sexy way
L: oh ok
K: you sound like a grumpy man 😂
L: a sexy grumpy man
K: what are we doing today
L: I wanna stay in the bed all day with u
K: no!
L:then I'm taking u to the mall are u down
K: yay thx babe
L: welcome princess
K:this is the only time u are getting away with that word ......
TBC 🌹👅💎

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