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L:well today Sofie dossi is coming over she is throwing knifes at me blind folded
K: your fucking kidding
L: no I'm not 😂
K: plzzzz just be careful
L: ok mom 🤙🏼✌🏻✌🏻
K: shut up
u started punching him 
L: ok ok babe I'm sorry
K: u better be
Sofie came and u became friends Logan was joking and said
L: okay guys to we have our test dummy
He said to the camera and pointed at kong
(Logan was joking and he thought that I weren't really mad but u were just like in the vlog of him and Ayala)
I went to Logans room with kong
Sofie left and Logan came in the room
L: hey babe
K: (no answer)
U were cuddling kong and kissing him
L: are u mad about what I did with kong it was a joke
K: it's a joke for u not me
L: ok babe I'm sorry
K: sorry isn't going to cut it
Logan sat on the bed next to u
L: see just a cute little family cuddling together
K: I'm cuddling with kong u aren't
L:come on babe it was just a joke for the vlog
K: ohhh so now the vlog is more important than your son
L: no our son
K: stop it Logan
L: u know Ily
K: ya babe I luv u too but kong isn't just a dog well he might be to u but not to me
L: I love u so much
K: me to and btw u don't get long any more
L: oh so now I'm banned for the dog that I payed for
K: finally u get something for once your not just a dummy
L: ok well how long am I banned from kong
K: idk but I'll decide then
L: fine anyways let's go to sleep it's late
K: ok but only if u cuddle with me
L: I would cuddle with u even if u didn't ask
U both laugh
K: Ily logie
L: ilyt babe
U say your goodnights and go to sleep
In the morning ........

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