🌹long distance love🌹

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U both went inside
U got a text from your manager
And your smile fades
L: what wrong
K: huh oh nothing it's just.... my mom couldn't have dinner with me so yah
L: are u sure your fine
K: yah I'm positive
The day goes by and the this was still on your mind
A week later you woke up and put on some makeup and wore a hoodie and some leggings and yeezys u went to long and apartment and u cheated for a bit and he noticed that u weren't paying attention and u were kinda off it wasn't the Kendall I know
L: ok I'm done
K: done with what
L: u haven't been your self lately you've been down and I'm starting to get worried and I all started from that stupid text!!!!
K: Logan plzzz stop screaming
L: I can't I'm worried about u
U were sad of the situation and we were scared at how Logan was shouting
U look down and  let out a tear
Logan felt bad he hugged her and she buried he face into Logans chest
L: I'm sorry plz forgive plzzz tell me what's wrong but frost tell me why u started crying
K: I started crying Bcz I was scared from how u were at me I thought u were going to do something to me
L: awww baby you know I would never do that to u plz tell me what's wrong
K: but first can we go to the bedroom and sit on the bed
L: sure
You sat on the bed
L: so
K: ummmm.... so my manager texted me that day and told me I have to go to Paris for modeling I have to model for (Chanel,dolce and Gabbana,tommy helfiger and Gucci)
L: well how long will u be gone for
K: my manger told me about 2 months
Logan looks down he was heart broken
He let out a tear u immediately put his face on your shoulders
K: I'm so sorry I'm the worst girlfriend ever
L: no your not I'm happy for u but I'm going to miss u when do u leave
K: in three days
It was Friday so I left Sunday morning
L: I'm going to miss u more than ever ilysm baby
K: ilyt 😭
L: imma FaceTime u every night before u sleep
It was time to go to Paris you had a jet
U went with Logan and your mom
Before I got on the plane u cried while hugging your mom and Logan
L: imma miss u Kenny but stay strong anytime u need me just give me a call
K: ok i luv so much
You hugged his as tight as u could u felt so safe in his arms
L: oh and I something for u to remember me by
K: what ?🙁
He gave u his USA 🇺🇸 hat me always wears
K: awww baby ilysm bye
L: bye
U both kissed and u realized that , that kiss was the last kiss for 2 months......

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