The secret is out

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You went to walk kong .......
You were talking and you kissed a fan saw u
Fan: aha I knew u both were dating Imma tell the whole world
Then he ran of Logan wanted to chase him
K: no Logan there's no point
L: I can catch up to him trust me I need to go no matter what
U let down a tear
K: plz Logan for me
Logan come up to you and Hugs and your face was into his chest u went back home
L: babe we need to make a confession video come here
K: ok I'm coming
U both put on your serious faces on
Logan started recording
Logans POV m
L: hhhh.... sooo we have a confession to make
You looked into Kendall's eyes and all you saw was fear
L: (whispered) ohhhh my god this is sooo hard
Kendall started crying
She buried her face into my chest I hugged her into my chest
(Cut to the next scene) Kendall stopped crying
L: anyways the confession is a that I'm dating Kendall yes u heard that right
Kendall kisses Logans shoulders
L: and j don't regret it at all dating this amazing person is a amazing roller coaster
Logan wraps his arms around Kendall's waist
Kendall felt safe
K: and we kept it a secret for our own privacy not to ruin our relationship (tears slide down her face)
K: I'm sorry 😣
L: it's ok baby
Logan kisses Kendall's forehead
L: sooo logang that's pretty much it hopefully you understand what we are going threw just being in the public eye it's hard to make something a secret sooo ... until next time bye 😕
Kendall was crying her eyes out
Logan hugged her and she felt safe
L: it's ok baby everything is going be fine
K: thx babe I luv u so much
L: I love u too
Kendall's POV
u both watched a movie Kendall fell asleep and then the movie ended Logan carried her to his bed before Logan left.....
K: logie
L: ya
K: plz say I'm scared a lone
L: anything
Logan toke off his shirt
And jumped in bed you put you head on his chest
you kissed his chest and he kissed your head you both fell asleep
In the morning ~
Logan woke up and started playing with Kendall's hair
K: good morning ( she said in a sexy morning voice)
L: hey baby did I woke u up
K: no it's but just going back to bed I don't feel good
L: are I sick
K: no like i don't feel good emotionally
L: oh ok
Logan kissed Kendall on her lips for 15 sec
L: do u feel better now
K: a lot better can u plz stay in bed with me
L: I need to go shower
K: fine (saying like she was sad and annoyed)
She had puppy eyes
L: I can't say no to that face
Logans jump in bed
K: Logan can I ask u a question
L: yah sure
K: why are you dating a girl that's so messed up
L: I'm not dating anyone I'm only saying you
K: no I mean why are u dating someone like me so messed up
L: oh your not messed up u might think like that about your self but in reality your the most gorgeous,genuine,sweet human being in the whole universe
K:(giggles) thx baby
L: first your welcome second that was the cutest giggle ever it doesn't get much cuter
Logan squeezed your cheeks together and kissed your lips  kong came and Kendall started to play with him
I saw Kendall playing with kong
K: hey baby your so cute yes u are yes u are
Kong started licking Kendall
L: hey slow down young doggie that my girl
We both laugh Kendall keeps playing with kong I decided to take a pic and post it on Instagram

K: logieL: ya K: plz say I'm scared a lone L: anything Logan toke off his shirt And jumped in bed you put you head on his chest (AKA MAN BOOBS 😂😆 )you kissed his chest and he kissed your head you both fell asleep In the morning ~ Logan woke up a...

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(Just imagine they are in bed and imagine that's kong 😂)
Caption:the two most important babies in my life
Fans comments
*aww to cute
*i ship them kogan or lendall
*your so lucky to have this girl and a dog your life is heaven
*new girlfriend 😏smash 😏muh boiii
When Kendall finished playing with kong she went to shower she went to the bath room  Logan stared at her but he was facing he back so she couldn't see him she took off her shirt and she wasn't wearing a bra Kendall turned around covering her boobs with her hands
K: could you plz be a gentleman and look away
L: come on babe I'm your boyfriend
K: baby we haven't even been together for a month
Logan went to Kendall and hugged her
K: Logan I'm half naked I'm only wearing under wear plzzz if u love me get the hell out
L: ok just for you sexy
You showered and went  out side the bath room and took your jean that were just in the washing Machine and wore them and then took a merch shirt from Logan
K: babe (u said screaming)
L: what(screaming back)
K: can we stop by at my place I need some make up and I need to change my clothe
L: ok
K: thx
We went out side that apartment complex to go to the car and paparazzi were out side Logan took me near him and covered my face so they couldn't take pics of my face
L: come on leave us alone jeeez
We got to the car and went to my place
We got in and Logan waited in the backyard by the pool while I did my makeup
I finished my makeup and got a outfit

(Just imagine they are in bed and imagine that's kong 😂)Caption:the two most important babies in my life @Kendallkardashian@kongdasavage Fans comments *aww to cute *i ship them kogan or lendall *your so lucky to have this girl and a dog your life...

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I went to Logan he didn't notice me so I went behind him and jumped on his back kissing the back of his neck
L: what!!!
K: I just luv u (u said with puppy eyes) 🙁 ..... fine if u don't want me to kiss u it's fine (I said sarcastically)
I walked  to get in the house crossing my hand on my chest and stomping my feet
Logan came behind me and but his arm around my shoulders and started to kiss my cheek
K: do u really think I'm going to let u of the hook this easily ....😆no no no no no no
Your punishment is your not allowed to kiss me or me kissing u Bcz "u don't want u to kiss me"  
L: I'm sorry I didn't mean to make u sad princess
K: don't princess me ( I said in a judgey manner)🤗😏😂
We went to the car and Logan tried to kiss me on every red light and I never let him we went to his apartment and I went to outside to the patio and played with kong and he was licking my face Logan was inside
I saw kong licking or kissing Kenny tbh I was kinda jealous but there no such thing as being jealous bcz of a dog or is there ( I started to second guess my self )
I went to Kendall
L: hey Kenny
No answer
L: ok first u can't just ignore me like that second I'm your boyfriend not kong 😕
K: first I can ignore u when ever I want and second ...
Kendall started kissing kong kong on kid cheek and kong started to lick Kendall's lips
I could see that Logan was jealous
K: so deal with it
L: I can't ok I luv u way to much not to kiss u for a whole day 😕😣
Kendall's thoughts:~I felt bad for Logan I mean idk what to do
Logan was on his way to go back inside with a sad face
K: Logan wait
L: what 😐
K: come her sit next to me I need to tell you a secret
L: k
Logan sat next to Kenny facing her
K: ok close your eyes and I'll tell u the secret
L: wait why do I need to close my ey-
K: just close them
L: ok ok
Logan closed his eyes and a second later he felt lips on his lips he opens his eye and sees that Kendall is kissing him he kissed her back they both used there tongues they kissed for 2min they both pull away
L: I really missed those juicy lips
K: u think I missed your lips I didn't realized it would be that hard to not kiss you for a day I was like forever
L: ikr
u go inside ...
TBC ❤️🌹

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