Back together

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Logan pulls me closer we almost kissed until Amanda barged in and came up to me and slapped me
K: wtf bitch
A: Logan is mine
K: no he's not
L: no I'm not
A: and if you get near him I will kill you
K: I can do whatever I want with Logan he's mine
L: yah that's right
Kendall took Logan from his shirts and started kissing him Amanda watched and she was mad
K: see what are you going to do now
Amanda wanted to punch me I ducked
K: fuck off slut
A: uhh !!! 😡
Amanda took me to the ground and started punching me I got on top of her and started punching her Brendon came in and took out Logan picked me up I started crying my eyes out
I buried my face into his chest
K: this isn't fair why does this always happens to me I sat on the floor crying  Logan picked me up again and he sat and put me on his lap I covered my face
L: baby plz don't cover your face your gorgeous
K: I have a bloody lip and I'm crying sooo pretty (I said sarcastically)
Logan took my hands of my face and put his head on mine
L: no one is going to hurt you on my watch
K: Ilysm
L: no I wuv you more
K: impossible
L: oh really
Logan started kissing my lips passionately
K: why did u kiss my I have a bloody lip
L: I don't care if you have a bloody lip
I giggle that's soooo cute
K: did anyone tell you you have the most gorgeous eye color on earth
L: noo 😶
K: well I think they are
L: aww ily anyways we need to clean your lip before it gets worse
K: ok logie 😊
He look rubbing  alcohol and put it on my lip in instantly stings
K: owww Logan it hurts
L: it's ok if you hurts my hand
K: ok 😖
I was sitting and Logan was standing so I was looking up I was holding is waist with both my hands it stings again and I sink you long nails into his waist near his abs he didn't miss when he was done
K: I'm so sorry I hurt your waist
L: u didn't do anything what do u mean
K: I sunk my nails into your waist
L: oh that that kinda hurts
K: I'm such a asshole for hurting you
L:don't say that or I'll kill my self
K: don't say that 
we laugh
I lift his shirt up examining the places I hurt him in mostly his abs  
K: I'm sorry baby
I kissed his injuries
L: it's ok btw I know that you are looking at my abs more than the injuries
K: whatttt😅
L: come on I know my baby
K: fine but if you want me to sleep with you tonight I want to kiss your abs as much as I want
L: I don't mind that at all I actually enjoy it
I giggle
I start kissing his abs like 20 times and then I was sucking of his abs
He let out a light moan
K: okie I'm done
It's was 7:30
K: I'm going to take a shower
L: ok
K: do u mind
L: not at all
K: logic get out
L: I'm your boyfriend why can't I see u naked
K: you will judge my body
L: I'm not that kind of a guy baby
K: yah right (I said sarcastically)
L: I don't care what u say I'm showering with you
K: ok but don't do sexual shit ok weirdo
L: ok but if I'm a weirdo I'm your weirdo right ?
K: yah you are
I slapped Logans butt
L: hey I do that for u you don't
K: yes I do
Logan slapped my butt
K: This is weirdly normal for me
L: oh then is this normal
K:wait wh-
Logan Leans down and bites my butt so hard it makes a dent
K: logie owww that hurt
L: I'm sorry but I wuv you (he said in a babyish way)
K: oh u wuv me so I bite my butt
L: yah I thought u like that
K: well maybe some times but I like this
I smash my lips with his lips I then pull away
L: logie likie
K: 😂 ok don't look to much
L: ok same
Logan takes his shirt off and I stare at his abs
L: you said don't look
K: yah but it's ok to look at u I just kissed your abs
L: oh so I can see your boobs
K: I don't mind but don't touch
L: ok I won't
Kenny takes of her bra and Logan stares
K: don't stare like that
L: u just said it's ok
K: I feel weird
Logan goes behind u and touches your boob
K: Logan your hands at cold (you shiver)
Logan then kissed your back and sucked on your back and formed a hickey
You started showering and you both were fighting and laughing 😂
K: I thought your dick was bigger
L: shut up
We both laugh
We got out of the shower
K: you know you look so hot when u have a towel around your waist and your hair is wet
L: what so I'm not hot normally
K: no babe u just look hotter
Logan changed into sweatpants and no shirt he was shirtless
K: babe
L: what
K: can I get a shirt from your closet
L: why do u need to ask just take I mean u stole my heart without me knowing
K: stop being cringey
L: fine
I took one of Logans merchandise shirts it was like a dress I went to the living room
L:hey princess
K: babe don't call me that anyways why are u still shirtless
L: oh so now your judging me
K: no I'm just asking (u slap him)
L: oww that hurts
K: fine this will make u feel better
L: what i-
U cut him off by sitting on his lap and kissing him and it turns into making out he tries to put his tongue in your mouth but u refused then he squeezed your the inside of you thigh and u gasp and he enters you mouth the he bites your lips then he took his hand and puts it under you shirts you didn't wear a bra his handles were cold he touches your waist and u shiver then he squeezed you boobs when that ended you watched riverdale and in the middle I fell asleep sitting in Logans lap Logan takes me to the room and puts me in bed
K: baby plz stay
L:I wanna watch tv
K: fine! (U said in a babyish tone)
U close your eyes and 5seconds later u feel a body behind u ,u turn around and see Logan
K: oh now I wanna sleep with me
L: I was just kidding
Kong comes in the room and jumps on me
K: I would rather cuddle with kong than u
L: oh really then I'm leaving
K: no no no I'm sorry plzz stay 🙁
L: fine
You cuddled into Logans chest kissing his chest
L: baby
K: yah
L: u know that I luv u no matter what and if I annoy u or make u sad or mad I'm joking
K: I know and I luv u too
L: anyways goodnight
K: good night
Logan likes your cheek
K: eww babe why ?
L: I thought it was a cake
We both laugh
I slept and I woke up and Logan was sleeping I didn't want to wake him up I showered and wore a plunged back red bodysuit or swimsuit and jeans shorts that shows a part of my butt and a red bandanna around my head
I decided I want to wake up Logan I got on top of him
K: baby come on wake up
U started kissing him I licked his cheek nothing worked then......

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