Break up

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L: I swear I didn't kiss her
K:Logan stop lying (a tear came down my face)
L:babe plzzz stop crying I didn't do anything plz trust me
K: just leave
L: I won't leave until h believe me
K: the I'm leaving btw we are over
Kendall packed her stuff and called Jake
J: hey
K: hey I broke up with Logan I feel lonely can I stay at your house for an it
J: yah sure come over
K: k thx
~team 10 HQ~
You went inside and hugged everyone u went to Tessa's room
T: hey !!!
K: hey!
T: what wrong
K: Logan cheated on me while I was in Paris
T: with who
K: Amanda that sluty whore mother fucking bitch
T: I hate her
K: ikr
T: do u want to sleep integration guest room
K: yah why not
T: ok let's unpack your stuff u unpacked and u had a TV AND a x box u started playing video games till chanthony came in
C: hey Kenny
K: watts up
A: can we play
K: yah I have 3 more controllers you all played black ops and cheated u ate dinner and went to bed u fell asleep thinking about Anthony
Kendall's thoughts~
Do I like Anthony I think but does he like me back
(While I was thinking about him the door opens and I was....
A: still awake
K: yah can't sleep thinking about someone
A: the only person I'm thinking about is
He opens the light and u both sat in the couch playing video games Anthony took a boomerang on Instagram we stoped playing at 3:30 in the morning I got a call from Logan
K: what do u want
L: why are u playing with tony
K: first we are just playing nothing else and second why do I have to explain my self to someone who kissed that slut Amanda
L:just listen I'm s-
I cut him off by ending the call
I look down
A: are u ok
He holds my cheeks
A tear comes down my face I hugged
K: I'm not fine
A: it's ok I'm here for u 
He puts you on his lap
I both look into each others eyes
You kissed him you were happy again
A: now tell me who were u thinking about
Your noses touched
K: you
You kissed again but you made out instead
He slept in your room you cuddled
You woke up and played with his hair
A: good morning
K: good morning did I wake u up
A: no but you have a hot body
(Btw I was wearing a lace bra and sweatpants)
Anthony held your stomach and kissed you
You heard screaming downstairs we got scared you and Anthony went outside and saw Jake and Logan fighting you hid so they couldn't see you
L: bro I just want to talk to her Amanda kissed me I was drunk
J: she doesn't want to talk
L: well let's see you saw them come upstairs so I and Anthony went to your bed and acted like u were sleeping
Logan came in followed by Jake
J: bro see she already moved on
L: wtf
Logan went to Anthony and started punching his toy opened your eyes
K: Logan stop it !!!(you said screaming at the to p your lungs)
Anthony started bleeding
K: jussst!!!.... leave me and my friends alone
Anthony hugged me and I cried into his chest
A: just leave asshole
Logan left and you cleaned up Anthony he had a cut on his cheek and his lips were cut
You started cleaning his lips then you started kissing then you changed into a Ohio long sleeved crop top
And black ripped jeans
You talked to Anthony
K: I need to tell you something
A: what
K: I don't think we should be together can we just forget everything that happens and be friends
A: of course
K: thx for understanding
A: it's ok
You went downstairs and you went to Starbucks with jake  there was a mob of ppl around you out of nowhere
J: Kendall !
K: what !
J: the floor is lava
You started running and jumped up a tree
Everyone started laughing including you Jake helped you down you went back home you wore a bra and sweatpants and team 10 went to the gym you finished at 10:45 at night you went to your room and stared playing video games out of nowhere Jake chanthony marteniz and ray diaz barged into the room
Boys: hey wats up
K: I'm just playing video games
Boys: can we join
K: yah you playing till 2:45 in the morning everyone left and you went to sleep you woke up to 35 miss calls and 157 texts from Logan
You looked at the Texts and all of them and they all sai stuff like
(Kendall I swear she kissed me more was drunk she came to me and kissed me I tried to pull away but couldn't )(plzz trust me come to my house I stole a camera recording come to my house at 5:30 so you can see )(plz u know I luv u I would never do something to make you sad or mad)
I felt bad and started crying I stoped and showers I wore a tommy crop top that showed my under boob and I was wearing black ripped jeans and a tommy over sized jacket and some yeezys I went outside and there was paparazzi I went to my red Ferrari and went to his house it was 5:25 you went to his apartment and knocked on the door and Logan opened the door I looked down
L: hey
K: hey
L: come in
K: thx you smiled a little
You saw Logan fluffy hair and blue eyes and remembered how much you loved him
L: I just wanted to show you the footage I know this is my last chance if you don't believe me I'm fine with your opinion
K: ok
You went to the table there was two chair you sat and Logan played the recording
What you saw was Logan was drinking and he was wasted  Amanda came up to him and pushed him to the fridge and she started kissing him and he tried to pull away but he couldn't bcz apparently when u are drunk you don't have much strength (btw I just made that um for the story)(btw Amanda was sober)
And a friend of yours toke a pic and sends it to you and Logan didn't notice then he Immediately left the party
The recording was done and Logan closed the laptop
Your eyes started to get teary and you tried to not cry but you couldn't and the tear came down you covered your face
K: I'm probably
The worst girlfriend ever and I'm stupid and I had such a bitchy attitude towards you Bcz I'm a bitch and you don't deserve someone like me and I'm a whore and a slu-
L: stop saying that your non of that your just pretty and nice and kind and honest and the sweetest person ever
K: stop lying to me Logan I'm non of these stuff what girlfriend doesn't trust her boyfriend
L: you've been through a lot of ex's who lied to you and you thought I was one of them
K:I'm sorry  
L: no don't say that you just didn't want to be sad
L: Ilyt
You took your hands off of your face
K: I know that you probably won't agree but will you be my boyfriend again (looks down)
L: of course I will
you look up with the cutest smile ever
L: that's the cutest smile ever
You giggle
L: and that giggle
He put u on his lap and took of your jacket
He pulls you .........

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