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An eleven year old boy with thick, untameable hair and bright emerald eyes walked into the magnificent castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He looked around anxiously as a pale boy with platinum blond hair that was combed down to the back of his head approached him, along with a tall kid with black and cooly styled hair and the one with brown skin and looks too mature for his age.

"Harry Potter is it? Everyone's been talking about you in the train," said the pale boy.

"Right," Harry replied, glancing over the boy's companions.

"Oh, this is Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini," he said, sticking out a thumb behind him. "And I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," the kid finished with such pride in his tone.

"I see you're alone, soon you will find out about some wizarding family Potter, you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there," he held out a hand to shake Harry's which he reluctantly took.

"Thanks," Harry gave him a faint grin, thinking that this kid might be his very first friend in the school. Why not though? He looks nice and influential. He heard a bunch of red head kids talking about him when he passed by their compartment.

"See you in the Slytherin table," then Draco turned on his heels along with Theo and Blaise.

* * * * * * * *

Harry waited patiently while watching the kids in front of the line gets sorted one by one.

"Ronald Weasley!," Professor McGonagall was reading their names in a parchment under her square spectacles.

"Gryffindor!" The talking sorting hat shouted. A loud cheers erupts in a table where Ron ran to.

"Draco Malfoy," Draco glanced at Harry before sitting on the wooden stool. The hat barely touched his head when it shouted..

"Slytherin!" the boy ran towards the table where a huge poster of green and silver with embroidered serpent was hanging above.

"Hermione Granger," Harry rolled his eyes upon seeing the smarty-pants nerd he had saw earlier, she used a spell to fix his eyeglasses thinking that he will get impressed about her little show. Hermione goes towards the stool while muttering unrecognizable words under her breath.

"Geek," Harry hissed.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted, Harry smiled, hoping that he won't be sorted in that house.

"Harry Potter," his heart began drumming inside his chest as he made his way towards the old stool.

He heard the hat whispered something inside his head about him, saying he would probably be great in Gryffindor, that he possessed bravery, courage, determination and one of a kind skill that makes him perfectly suit in the said house.

"Not Gryffindor.. Not Gryffindor," he whispered continuously with his eyes close.

"Not Gryffindor eh? Then better be... Slytherin!"

A wide smile formed on his lips as he sprint towards the Slytherin table to join his new colleagues, he sat beside Draco as every student near his area began shaking his hand.

Harry heard some disappointed murmurs and glances from the nearby tables which he deliberately ignored. He was certain that he had been put in the perfect house, he will surely make great things there.

With a final look at the Gryffindor table, Harry caught Hermione Granger looking at him. She immediately turned her gaze to the other direction and began speaking to no one in particular again.

"She's a Mudblood, d'you know?" Draco said before handing him the bowl of pudding.

"Oh-- what's a Mudblood?"

"Those people who call themselves witch or wizard but their parents aren't even one. Her parents are muggle, in my opinion, she doesn't belong here. Right Potter?," Harry couldn't agree more so he just nodded his head.

"Yeah, she seem a little bit loony too," the two boys burst in laughter as they feast on their own food.

* * * * * * * * * 

Note: Expect Harry to be really annoying arrogant bad boy here. This story will focus mainly in the plot which Harry being sorted in Slytherin, then again, Voldemort isn't here (like you'll miss him) nor other death eaters. 

Don't be surprise too that MANY characters are really different. This my fanfic so I guess I can do whatever I want in here.

That's all, I hope you leave your vote and comment if you think my book deserves it. :)  

P.S: Please just ignore my grammar and poor narration, I'm trying to improve so don't comment anything rude. You can leave constructive criticism for as long as you'll be sensitive enough with your opinion. :)



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