XIV. Inside Sentiments

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Harry stood up and put on a white shirt. The brunette witch was left there, utterly speechless, she doesn't even know how to look at the girl beside her.

"So, you're his girlfriend?" the red-haired witch started to confront her.

"Y-yes." Hermione replied sheepishly.

"Aww, Hermione Granger right? I heard so much about you, an intelligent, one of a kind student of Hogwarts in this generation," she continued. Hermione find her way of speaking very strange.

"Okay, that's enough Nymphadora. You're scaring her." Harry said. Hermione turned to him with puzzled expression.

"What did you just called me?!" the woman scowled. It's Hermione's cue to stand up and moves away from her.

"My mother would never wear a purple leggings underneath a blue skirt, Nymphadora," Harry mocked.

"Don't call me Nymphadora!"

Then to Hermione's bewilderment, the woman's face slowly changed and becomes a few years younger, the hair turned orange and now Hermione was sure that the woman is not Harry's mother.

"Whatever, why'd you go here? My girlfriend is not very amused that you disturb us," Harry said before wrapping an arm around Hermione's shoulder.

Finally, she managed to pull back herself and shove his hand away. "Don't touch me!" she snarled before marching out of the room. She's really upset about the woman's arrival because she nearly gave her a heart attack for disguising like Lily.

Hermione doesn't need an explanation though, she knew about metamorphmagus. She walks back to the living area, wishing that she has her wand so it'll be easier for her to leave.

Meanwhile, the woman emerged from upstairs and sat on the armchair opposite to her. "Hello, I'm Nymphadora Tonks. Just call me Tonks, you know I really hate my name," she giggled though Hermione's plain expression doesn't change a bit.

"Alright, I'm sorry for intruding. Sirius asked me and my boyfriend, Remus to find where Harry's staying. This is actually the last option, but I decided to check it first. Hmm.. you're not really his girlfriend right? Don't get me wrong, but you seems a little bit hate him," Tonks said.

"Are you kidding? I don't hate him a little bit. I hate him so much! I want to skin him alive and feed his flesh to wolves!" Hermione blurted out.

"Oh-kay... Wolves won't like to feast on his flesh. Trust me," Tonks sighed and put a hand over her shoulder. "But it's not what I'm seeing in your eyes Hermione. Maybe you're mad because Harry is such an arrogant guy-"
Hermione want to hug her at this point.

"But if you will just know who he really is... I mean, the Harry without his happy go lucky friends, the Harry who have broken family, the Harry who's weak and vulnerable. He's not arrogant, he's just good at hiding his feelings," Tonks finished. A part of Hermione wants to believe her, but how? If she'd only seen the dark side of Harry.

"I don't know... Maybe you're right... Maybe there's still hope. I go with him because I'm holding on to that. He has so much potential and it's such a waste he cannot use his abilities to lift himself. I mean, he's really good at defensive and offensive spells," Hermione's face suddenly went brighter as her lips started to form a smile. "You know there's one time that he actually invented a jinx! Can you imagine that?! He invented a freaking jinx!" she exlaimed excitedly.

Tonks didn't hide her amazement as the two girls cracked in a good laugh. At the middle of their moment, Harry emerged from the kitchen; holding a pan and spatula.

"Am I missing something?" he interjected.

"Are you cooking for real?!" Tonks gasped while Hermione was suppressing another set of laughter.

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