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She was the definition of hot, god I was so awkward- honestly I was jealous of Deji. She stood there with her curly hair, which was down almost by her waist; it was bouncing slightly in the light breeze. When I spotted her calling out for Deji I thought she was his girlfriend, clearly not though. 

They told us eventually to sit down, after a nice 10 minutes chatting to her mum, who was the only one present. When we were walking to our seats I began asking Deji questions, he just replied with "If you were ever home, you would know that we're best friends. You would be friends with her-if you were ever there." The upsetting thing was that he was right, I was always touring with the sidemen and meeting all my fans which meant so much to me. I would definitely talk to Simon about her later- josh would just become daddy and be all protective of her. He has Freya so he can piss off.

I watched as she put on her robe and her hat, smiling all the time. Something seemed fake about it but I chose to ignore it and enjoy the time. She went up there and got the diploma, beaming a toothy grin- she had received masters in Media. After a small speech (Y/n) walked off, everyone cheering and clapping, briefly I looked towards her mum who was teary. "She is so beautiful isn't she JJ?" My mum nudged me and I nodded without even thinking, I could swear that I saw her grinning to herself.  

Deji met up with me after and asked if I wanted to come with him and some of his youtube friends to the club, I said yes and told him that I would bring some of my friends- to which he said was great. There was one question that I did want to ask but decided not to because it did sound a little creepy. 

Was (Y/n) gonna be there?

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