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If you are all interested in other books which are quite emotional. I have a few that I've either finished writing or am currently working on:

Stimpy. (Miniminter fanfic) which is about gangs + drugs. (Quite dramatic and I would love feedback)

Just the two of us (miniminter fanfic) which is quite long and there is a sequel.

Control (Tbjzl fan fiction) I've just started it recently but it's rlly quite sad.

Is this love? (W2s fan fiction) it's quite good and I'm working on it. ❤️

Jealousy (Brooklyn 99) this is blowing up recently and I'm really working hard on it ❤️

Mutants (Peter Parker) this is one that needs a bit of time to get to the romance but I guess it's going to be one of those cute ones hopefully with a lot of character development :)))

Not Enough Time~ (Ksi // reader)Where stories live. Discover now