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The walk towards her room seemed to take longer than it had done previously in my other visits, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Opening the door I saw her lying there, I would've mistaken her for a corpse- but there was the constant beeping of the heart monitor reminding me that her blood was still pumping through her veins.

I took the armchair next to her bed and sat in it, placing her deathly cold hand in mine, my body shivered and I choked back a sob. Staring at her a little bit my head seemingly tilted, she still managed to look beautiful considering the state that she was in. My eyes scanned her arms, which were littered with yellow bruises, I clenched my jaw and ran my thumb against them softly realising what they asked me to do wasn't fair on me. But in a way it made sense, after all I didn't want her to suffer anymore, so I did what I was told.

There was no one else in the room- just me and her. "It's time to go babe," I stayed strong and bit down on my lip, trying to find the courage to finish my sentence, "Time to say goodbye and move on, just like you told me." A  weak smile made it's way onto my face remembering the small little moments that made both of us happy in the short time that we had together.

One thing was for sure...I would treasure the memory of her. Her small excited smile would replay every time I closed my eyes and I didn't know if that was a burden or not, the way she danced and performed, impressing my friends and making me the proudest man alive. The way our hands intertwined and we would cuddle on the bed whilst watching some cheesy rom-com that she had chosen out just so I could spend time with her. The time where I brought her roses and she told me that one day she would marry me...the things I would do to put a ring on her finger. It was too late now though and I couldn't stay in that room any longer, my hands pushed up and lifted me to my feet.

When I left, I turned around once with the tiniest glimpse of hope that her eyes would flutter up and bless me with a bat of her eyelashes. Nothing happened though so I walked out.


She died that evening, there was nothing they could do to save her.

"You have to forget about me JJ..."

Not Enough Time~ (Ksi // reader)Where stories live. Discover now