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The echo of the doctor's voice bounced around in my head, my (Y/n). She's too pure for all of this.

I had managed to convince her mum to take her to the hospital- or a/e because it was becoming too much for her and her face was becoming more drained by the day of colour and of happiness. When I would lie next to her in bed she would always tell me of what was going on, and it would make me so sad. I sound like a proper pussy right now but I guess hanging out around her has changed me, Simon says so at least...

I had to visit her everyday because that would be the only way that I would find peace- today she started chemotherapy though and I was sitting in the waiting room emotionally unstable. The doctor came out and said everything had gone reasonably well, but they were scared that she was going to slip into a coma over night. Doctor Stevens gave me a sad nod to say that I could go in and talk to her.

"Hey beautiful." My voice went soft when I saw her, she smiled weakly at me and stretched out her arm for me. "How was it?"

"You have to forget about me JJ..." She mumbled, avoiding my question. My face dropped.


"Please move on if I die. Find yourself a new girl- a better one. Just forget...for me."

"Don't talk like that (Y/n), you're going to make it. Remember when we were walking by the lake and you pushed me in, or the time that we both rubbed icecreams in each others faces and got all sticky." I thought the last one would at least make her chuckle, but nothing- she seemed exhausted.

"Hmm." Was all she replied, closing her eyes briefly to regain her strength to talk again. "I love you." She said after taking a few moments of silence.

"Love you too."

I didn't miss the single tear that slid down her cheek as she wiped it away, my poker face only held until I reached Simon, who was waiting for me. He stood there and I collapsed, tears escaping my eyes, not being able to hold back. Simon helped me back onto my feet and held me in an embrace. "This shouldn't have happened JJ- to the both of you." This was supposed to make me feel better, but it didn't. If anything it only made me feel like it was my fault that she was like this- no she was going to make it through and we were going to go to fun fairs and I was going to spend all my money just to see her smile like she does.

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