Chapter 3 - Yammouni Family Reunion (part 2)

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I paid for my Latte and Dani's tea, and we slowly started to go to Maccas. We walked in silence, and it was so awkward, of course Dani was excited and overwhelmed,and I was pissed and tired..and annoyed , and maybe a bit know that feeling when you haven't seen your family member for the whole year, because he couldn't be bothered to visit you, and you missed him soo DAMN much, but that kind of feeling turns into anger and that's what I'm feeling right now. 

What I decided is that I'm not talking to them..I'll imagine that they're not there, just Me, mum, dad and Dani. But of course Dani wouldn't be Dani if she just walked past a HUGE playground in the mall and wouldn't go in..

''Ahhhhhhhhhhh Alexxx pleaseeee pleaseeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeee let's go in just for a few minutes!!!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!'' She was shouting soo loud, that even people in WHOLE mall which has 2 another massive floors, were staring at us..awkward..

''Okay okay just shut  up and don't yell like that again..For fucks sake..but just for few minutes , cause mum gonna be here in 12 , okay?'' I said while we were walking to the playground.

''Good Afternoon Ladies, what can I help you?'' A very cute and handsome boy asked me..i mean us. (me) I though I'm single..why not to turn flirtatious me..? ''Hello..I'm here with my little sister, and she loves to play in these sort of i thought maybe you could help us, show us around, tell us the rules..?'' i said looking straight into his baby blue eyes, and playing with a little teddy bear, which I found on his little desk. ''Sure, come with me I'll show you around, while your cute little sister play.'' He said and he was flirting back!! I'm lucky today :) 

''Wait, don't I need to pay first?'' I asked, with little smile playing on my face. ''Don't worry, I'll pay for ya'' He said with the smile, and looking into my eyes..I think I'm melting..don't help me.

''Woow, thank you , but why?'' i said a bit confused. ''For your pretty eyes..''he said flirting with me. ''Helllouuuu I'm stilll heree!!!''' Dani said annoyed..urghh..she ruined the perfect moment, I guess she dosn't want to see me happy. ''Oh yeah sure come with me.'' He said to Dani and he showed her where she can play, and come back to me. 

''Sorry I didn't catch your name..?''He asked. ''I'm Alexis,but you can call me Alex or Lexi , nice to meet you'' I said friendly. ''I'm Edward,but you can call me Edward or Edward  nice to meet you too'' he said ,he is perfect, hot, cute, friendly, funny he's like prince. Then he gave me a big warm hug..woow..I feel like I'm snowman-woman melting in strong, warm and safe arms..


I was talking and flirting with Edward,he gave me his number and I gave mines, Dani is playing happily with new friends and time just p. But a fucking call had to ruin this perfect moment, and of course it was my lovely mom (note the sarcasm).I apologized Edward and walked few steps away from him.

-----Conversation between me and mom----------------

''Hello''- I answered.

''Alexis Yammouni where the hell are you?!'' -my mom shouted  I even had to put my phone away from my ear.  ..upss she was mad, but why..? ohh shitii forgot ! i had to meet her in maccas! Shit. I'm in trouble. 

''Umm I'm coming, see Dani saw this huge playground in the mall and she asked me to go there, and I said okay, but just for a few minutes..and i guess we have been here longer than i thought..'' I said.

''We're waiting in Maccas for a whole hour for you, you two better come here in 3 minutes, or you will be grounded! '' she shouted..upss . 

''Okay we'll be there, bye. '' I said and I literaly run to Edward to say goodbye, and take Dani from this huge pool full of  colourful balls. 

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