Chapter 21 - Christmas Eve - Part 1

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''Okay, so I'll prank Beau and Skip, and you can prank James and Jai'' Luke said looking my way and half yawing. 

''Why do I always have to prank Jai? ''I asked feeling a bit mad, because you's..awkward . 

''Because he isn't your twin brother and he won't hit you'' He said it like a fact. 

''Fine. Let's do it.'' 

--------------- THE prank went......wet. And cold. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT ! 

Even though....I got grounded for a week. 

oH WELL...I'll just show mum my puppy face and HELOOUUUU freedoommmm ! 

-----Christmas Eve Morning--------------------------------------------------------

I woke from A VERY LOUD sound in the kitchen. Urghh. Can't even sleep these days normally...

So I gotta wake up now. mmhmmm...not again.....

Slowly...and I mean slowly - I got up from my bed, and did my morning routine like always. I'm getting bored of it now. 

After all that jazzzzzzzzzz ... I went downstairs to help my mum, because she usually starts making food for tomorrow, so she would have more time on Christmas day. 

''Morning mum'' I said yawning and sitting down. 

''Good Morning, aren't you excited?'' My mum asked me with a big smile on her face. ''Ohh yeahh..definitely..I'm thrilled.'' I said with sarcasm. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas, but not in the morning.. NOpe. Not in the morning. 

'Haha very funny Alex'' My mum said understanding my sarcasm. She also added ''You know, we need  some chocolate from the store..because I can't make your favorite cookies without it..but you're tired so I guess this year we're not gonna ha-,'' I cut my mum of. ''NO .I'll go to get some, but I need someone to drive me.'' I said quickly. ''Aww that's very sweet of you. Everyone is already doing something expect Jai. He can drive you''. My mum said. and I thought. HELL NO. OHH HELL NO. 


I have to...


for the cookies....

my favorite ones.......

I can do it. 

Cause I'm the man.  (well not literally, but you know what I mean) 

''Ohhh .S..uur..e ''I said smiling with my teeth, while I was cursing inside. When my mum turned around I started to punch the air. ''Did someone opened the window? I can feel the wind..'' My mum said turning back to me. I quickly stopped, and pretended like nothing happened. ''um..Yeah..I don't think so..''I said looking around like an idiot. ''Hmm...strange.'' She said and turned her back to me again.

''Jai! Come here a minute! ''My mum shouted and Jai showed up in less than 30 seconds.

''Yes, Mrs.Yammouni? '' He seemed so polite, but when he's talking to me, it's like I'm a bloody dog.

''Can you drive Alex to the store please?'' My mum said with a stupid grin on her face. 

''Am..Surr--e''Jai said looking a bit annoyed and devil-ish. I don't like where this is going ..

''Thank you Jai, just be safe on the's dangerous at this time of a year.''Mum said in concern. ''I will, don't worry. I'll wait in the car Alex'' Jai said and left. God please help me not to die this wonderful Christmas morning. Please. 

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