The long awaited chapter 21

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That wasn't possible.

I couldn't be a jinchuriki. That was impossible.

I swallowed the sob in my throat. Then I smiled at Sasuke, willing him to tell me I was alright. Looking for any sign of hope. Anything at all.

Anything to stop this from happening.

He looked scared.

"No," I said slowly, ignoring the low voice running through my own. "No, Naru, no." But I could hear it, I could hear the beast inside me. I could feel the raw power build in my chest, bubbling out and around me in an eerie silver glow.

I clenched my teeth and exhaled slowly. "I'm not. I'm not."

I shuddered, pain ripping through my skin. I could feel my blood ooze out of the pores in my skin, covering my body. I screamed — it was terrifying, and I was too scared to try to figure out how to stop it.

It felt like every blood vessel my body contained was exploding, ripping apart. Everyone was backing away, leaving me to battle this out on my own. I couldn't remember how to breathe and my lungs were scalding in my chest.

Immense, raw power erupted from my throat. I needed to release it somehow, but roaring made my skin tear faster.

My vision was blurring with blood and tears. Everyone looked so scared.

"Help—" I tried, but my voice was lost in the beast's. I could feel it now. Taking over my body because I wasn't strong enough to. Clawing its way up from whatever depths it had been hiding in. I had lost all control now, like I was watching a drama unfold on T.V.

I couldn't stop what was about to happen and I  couldn't look away.

It was like a whirlwind had whipped up around me. Incredible power, unbelievable strength, cold as cobblestone streets during damp winter nights.

My hands moved on their own, my feet spread slightly, into a fighting stance. I was challenging them.

"Nice to see you again, brother." It was disconcerting to feel my own lips move without me saying a word. I realised that the beast trapped within me was female. She sounded chillingly soothing for something that had ripped my body apart.

The wind settled, and I saw Naruto's eyes widen. His fingers twitched, and new beads of sweat formed on his brow.

"Naruto? Naruto, what's wrong?" Sasuke hissed.

"The Nine Tails.." Naruto muttered through gritted teeth. "It's trying to get out—"

"Calm down!" Sasuke swallowed.

Naruto was panting heavily now, his muscles spasming and tension rippling throughout his body. The Nine Tails was emerging in a swirling ball of energy and light. I could see fangs press into his bottom lip and his pupils turn to slits.

The next few seconds were agonising as Naruto was taken over. Sasuke, Itachi and Deidara took a few steps back, mouths agape.

The Nine Tails spoke. "It's been a while sister."

He was talking to me. What did he mean...

The Nine Tails had a sister. The Nine Tails had a twin sister.

If I had had control over my own body, I would have gasped.

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