Chapter 1

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"Try and keep up Suke" Alexa shouted to the mint haired boy behind her, the second Lawliet child and her sister's boyfriend were currently running around a high security building trying to follow the instructions from Near to get out the building safely and not get caught by the guards who were currently chasing them.

Earlier that day the triplets and Ryunosuke received word from an anonymous source that some high class firm had hired a detective to locate and eliminate L, this firm is believed to be a front to the local mafia, this also meant that they wanted to get rid of the detective before he does any damage to their gang. So, they all decided to break into the building to learn whether information was correct instead of informing their parents about the situation.

"There are more guards approaching you from the left but there is a staircase which leads down to the exit take that" Near informed them. Alexa quickly grabbed Ryunosuke's arm and dragged him towards the staircase, just as Near had said a large group of guards were marching down the hall, the second their eyes landed on the two unidentified intruders they all broke out into a run.

Alexa darted towards the stairs and jumped down half of them pulling Ryunosuke down with her, the pair ran down the stairs neither letting go of one another's hands. Soon the exit was insight but the glass doors were closing fast, Alexa knew they were not going to make it in time even at the speed they were running. Alexa grabbed her gun from its holder located on her hip and started firing at the glass, it was not bulletproof and it was not long until the glass shattered.

Mika pulled the van in front of the building and Near opened the side door, Alexa and Ryunosuke leaped into the van the door slammed suit behind them, Mika put her foot down on the Acceleration pedal and the van sped off into the darkness of the night. There was a loud CABOOM in the background, the building Alexa and Ryunosuke just escaped from was ignited in flames.

"What the hell happened in there?" Near shouted looking out the back windows watching the flame filled building get smaller.

"Don't ask" Ryunosuke said before flopping on the floor next to Alexa.

"Did you get the information we need" Mika asked.

"Yep, seems like they did hire a detective to hunt down Dad" Alexa informed them before throwing a memory stick at her brother.

"I nearly died for that information so you better be able to retrieve the information" Alexa snapped then proceed to lay her head on Ryunosuke's shoulder before falling asleep.

The drive home was a slow one because they were trying to avoid the major security cameras to prevent the local mafia coming after them and finding their father but finally they arrived. Ryunosuke woke Alexa up and they attempted to sneak into the house without alerting anyone. IT did not work. Light was stood at the front door his arms on his hips wearing a maternity top with lose shorts. Light was currently 7 months pregnant with a baby boy.

"Where have you four been, I have been worried sick" Light shouted before waddling over and pulling his children into his arms.

"Sorry Mum, we were watching a new movie which came out at the cinema and it ran for longer than we were expecting and since we are not allowed to use our phones in the cinema we were not able you message you, we are sorry for worrying you Mum" Alexa lied.

"It is okay sweetie, just remember to text me before you enter the cinema okay" Light said.

"Yes Mum, we will" Alexa answered before placing a kiss on their mothers cheek then ran up the stairs towards her bedroom followed by her siblings and partner in crime. After they came to Wammy's house Ryunosuke and Alexa finally bonded through the pranks they played on the other residents at the house, the two were officially each other partner in crime and would do everything together which sometime caused Mika to become jealous.

"I have the information" Near said putting the laptop on the small table in the room so everyone could see. The information read:

Name: Kazami Keizo

Birthday: 21st June 1991

Occupation: Detective

Pay: £1,000 each case

"We will prevent this detective from ruining Dad's career" Near said.

"Yeah and without Mum and Dad finding out?" Alexa questioned.

"Of course" Mika said grinning before turning to look at the information which was in front of them thanks to her boyfriend and sister.


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