Chapter 12

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Everyone froze as they watched the footage of Alexa and Rico's kidnappings, they saw Rico falling to the ground with a dart sticking out of his neck which could only contain some type of strong sedative to make someone around 5′ 10 to collapse so quickly. Alexa was able to fight the sedative slightly as she tried to move away from those who wish to capture them and call for help but soon Alexa to fell unconscious. Their bodies were carefully carried towards a small black SUV which had no license plate and drove off.

Mika started shaking memories of being kidnapped herself started to resurface.

They were about to cross at traffic lights when Mika noticed Ryunosuke looking around as if he was searching for someone. The cars stopped and Ryunosuke grabbed Mika's hand and they crossed over the road. He sent her a warm smile as they continued walking to the café.

Mika became slightly suspicious as Ryunosuke started to look around again, his hand becoming tenser in hers. "Ryunosuke? Is everything alright?" she asked

He looked at her with a small smile "Yeah, uh fine, just don't let go of my hand" he replied.

"What's wrong? Is someone following us? please tell me. Is it Alexa?" Mika questioned now slightly afraid, weirdly she felt comforted around Ryunosuke though.

"No- uh, everything's fine, trust me" he pleaded wanting to get to the café and then explain.

Mika pulled Ryunosuke to a halt and moved her hand out of his "Please just tell me" she asked again.

Mika felt a hand go across her mouth and dragged her into the dark alleyway behind her, she watched as Ryunosuke kept walking and talking without realising that she was not with him. Mika screamed out to him with it was muffled by the hand, she heard an laugh from behind her before everything went dark.

Pain. Mika's eyes wearily opened as her cheek was slapped another time, a fresh set of tears washing over her blood-soaked face. She felt pain. A physical one right in front of her, the woman who had taken her hostage. Then there was emotional pain, this person had taken Mei's life. Mika couldn't help but cry every time she thought that. She couldn't help but cry when thinking of Ryunosuke, she tried to tell herself there was a reason for it but all she could do was wonder why and how he was connected, how he betrayed all their friends and was responsible for Mei's death as well, she gently traced her bruised thumb over the side of the half-torn jacket he'd given her not that long ago. Mika couldn't help crying when she thought of her family. She was certain they knew by now as the murderer had taken a photo after she'd been beaten to a pulp.

Mika felt sorry for her family, in this situation it was likely she would die here, and if not here be killed by the murderer anyway, she herself was terrified at the thought thinking of all the things she might be able to do that could so easily be taken away, but her mind kept going to Alex and Near, Misa, Light, L, Matt, Mello and Watari. she couldn't even begin to imagine how distraught Alex, Near, Light and L must be right now let alone if she died but she had no control now. She was powerless, careless and she cursed herself for having a liking towards Ryunosuke. It was moments like these she wondered why she wasn't shyer and more reserved like Alex and Near and then she might not be in this situation. She wanted to blame Ryunosuke but she couldn't, her heart wouldn't let her, she knew it was stupid but the only person she could blame now was the killer, and herself.

Mika's body tensed as she heard dreaded loud footsteps approaching. "Don't even think about trying anything" the woman menaced as she untied Mika's legs and hands, making her stand up Mika cried out from her injuries.

"Shut the fuck up" the woman commanded before tying her hands and arms again and leading her through the abandoned building.

Mika was shoved along, biting her lip to suppress the pain coursing through her. A metal door opened to reveal a small room with a tired looking boy tied up in the corner fast asleep.

"Sit down" the woman said, and Mika sat, afraid if she didn't and what the consequences would be. The woman tied up her feet and shut the door locking it.

Mika was snapped out of her thought by a blood-curling scream, she watched as her mother collapsed onto the nearest sofa, a hand pressed against his stomach and there was a puddle of water on the ground, where he had been standing. L rushed over to his husband as he screamed once more. Light had gone into labour. 

They rushed Light into their temporary surgery that they had made up when Light fell pregnant again, so they would be able to perform a caesarean section when he went into labour. Light was placed onto the operating table with L at his side holding his hand and whispering words of comfort into his ear. Watari had taken a quick surgeon qualification during Light's pregnancy so he would be able to perform the caesarean section correctly.

Watari administered Light with an epidural anaesthesia and waited until the bottom half of Light's body went numb before he could continue. He placed a shield on Light's chest to prevent him from seeing his stomach being cut open, then Watari started the procedure. Mika stood outside the surgery door wrapped up in her boyfriend's arms with Near beside them waiting to see whether their mother makes it through the caesarean section, it had always been a dark thought in the back of her mind whether her mother would make it through this pregnancy after all when he had the triplets it had put a huge amount of stain on his body.

The door opened, and their father stepped out with a small baby in his arms, a large smile was present on his face.

"Everyone this is your little brother, Arin Lawliet" L said as he gently placed his son into his daughter's arms.

"Is mum all right" Mika asked.

"Your mother is absolutely fine, he is just tired right now" L replied before excusing himself. L walked towards his office, Matt and Mello's contact already pulled up on his phone.

"Matt" Matt spoke when he picked up.

"It's L"

"L, is there anything you need" Matt asked.

"Alexa has been kidnapped, I need you and Mello to come to England now" L ordered.

"On our way" Matt replied before hanging up. L scrolling up to the next contact which he was slightly dreading of calling – Beyond Birthday. His younger brother.

"Lawlipop" BB said when he picked up, sarcasm filled his voice.

"Alexa has been kidnapped, I need our help" L spoke not up to deal with BB's attitude.

"I'm coming" BB's tone changed to a serious one when he spoke after all he and Alexa were quite close and he hated if anything happened to her. 

Mika gently placed her baby brother into his cot beside her parents' bed before she collapsed to the ground shaking, tears were streaming down her face. 

"It's my fault, if I never ran off then Alex would not have had to search for me, then maybe she would have not been found by the mafia and taken, this is all my fault" Mika muttered. 

"And I never was able to apologise for what I said about her, what if she dies and I would never be able to apologise, this is all my fault" Mika added.

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