Chapter 9

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"Breathe" Alex said as she walked around Jewels and Chase who were currently making out ferociously for a solid two minutes. Akira, Ryunosuke and Azzai had been throwing the remainders of their food at each other whilst Rico watched his girlfriend with Jacon sulking beside him, earlier Ryunosuke and Jacon had gotten into an argument about who was truly Alexa's partner in crime and when he went to ask Alex to choose between them, she just stayed quiet. 

Rico grabbed his girlfriend by the waist and pulled her down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her to hold her in place. Alexa shot her boyfriend a death glare before returning her gaze to Chase and Jewels who had finally pulled away from one another. 

"You cute when you act angry" Rico teased as he pulled his girlfriend's body closer to his chest, this action slightly pulled her skirt up revealing the scars on her legs, they were slightly faded but still clearly noticeable to anyone who looked. 

Jewels stared at the scars in shock, he remembered Mika joking about Alexa having some type of battle wounds from a couple of fights she had apparently got in with either Ryunosuke before they became friends or someone back in Japan where they were originally living but Jewels never considered that they would be something like this, just from where he was sitting he could tell there were deep knife slashes which were obviously around 4 years old. 

Alexa had never spoken about being attacked with a knife before but then again Alexa never spoke about anything from her past other than she was born in English down south before moving to Japan for around a year when she was fourteen then moving here but that was about it. Alexa was a complete mystery to them, hell they did not even know her last name. 

Jewels pulled completely away from his boyfriend before standing up and heading over towards Alexa, his motherly instincts were in complete control. 

"Jewels everything alright" Alexa asked the older boy when he approached her. 

"What happened?" Jewels suddenly said which drew everyone's attention to them. 

"What do you mean?" Alexa said looking up at Jewels obviously confused. 

"Your legs they have scars on them which are obviously around four years old and were made by a knife, what happened?" Jewels explained, Alexa moved quickly to straighten out her skirt and hide the scars from view. Her body was obviously tensed. 

"It does not matter, what happened in the past stays there" Alexa said in an attempt to shut down this conversation but Jewels did not want to. 

"Alex, you know so much about us but we know hardly know anything about you. Please you can trust us, we are your friends after all, none of us are going to judge you for something which has happened" Jewels begged, he felt his boyfriend's arms wrap around his waist in an attempt to comfort the older boy. 

"Listen this is none of your business so stay out of it" Alex snapped, she pushed Rico's arms off her before turning and running off in a random direction. 

"I'm sorry but those scars are something that Alex has always found hard talking about, it is not a nice story to here" Ryunosuke said in an attempt to apologise on Alex's behalf before he turned and ran after his best friend.  

Mika sat on her bed which she normally shared with Ryunosuke but recently he had been sleeping in Alexa room, so they could spend more time together, half of his possessions had been moved from their room to Alexa's and it got on Mika's nerves. It made her question what their relationship meant to Ryunosuke, when he spent more time with her own sister then his own girlfriend, it was extremely hard for her to get his attention and most of the time he ignored her when she spoke to him because he was focusing on something 'way more important' then his own relationship. 

Her own thoughts which had been haunting her mind and dreams for the last couple of weeks, they were always echoing in her mind. 

Ryunosuke threw her sister over his shoulder and walked towards the front of the house completely ignoring his girlfriend. 

'What if Ryunosuke prefers being with Alex over her and wants to be in a relationship with Alex but since she was dating Rico, he decided to stick to her side, so he could spend every second with her instead'. 

Ryunosuke and Alexa looked happy in each other's company.

They would make a cute couple if they decided to start dating. 

Mika was physically weaker than Alexa. 

Alexa would be prefect for Ryunosuke. 

They would be perfect for each other.

Alexa and Ryunosuke are perfect for each other. 

They will be together. 





Mika hated how she was able to picture their life together easier then her own with Ryunosuke. 

Ryunosuke wrapped his arms around Alexa's waist and started pressing kisses on Alexa's mouth and cheeks, Alex's arms wrapped around Ryunosuke's neck pulling him closer to her. 


It gleamed on her finger, the expensive engagement ring. Ryunosuke had recently proposed to his girlfriend and she had accepted. They were getting married and he could not be any happier. 


"I Alexa Lawliet, take you Ryunosuke Tanaka, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And here to I pledge you my faithfulness" Alexa spoke a large smile was on her face. 

"I Ryunosuke Tanaka, take you Alexa Lawliet, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And here to I pledge you my faithfulness" Ryunosuke said. 

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride" the vicar said to the newly married couple. 


Alexa waddled down the hallway, she was currently 8 months pregnant with Ryunosuke and hers first child. 

Mika suddenly pulled herself out of her thoughts, tears were streaming down her face. She ripped the necklace from around her neck and threw it at the nearest wall, it was the necklace that Ryunosuke had brought her for her 18th birthday. She watched as the heart broke along with her own. 

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