Chapter 5

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Suke and Mika stared at Alex, neither of them could think of anything intelligent to say to Alex about why they had decided to follow her. 

"Well...?" Alex questioned again

"We wanted to see what you were keeping from us" Suke said finally, Alex let him out of her clutch and he rubbed his neck.

"We're sorry" Mika said looking down "You don't need to tell us everything about your personal life"

"Yeah...." Suke agreed, Mika could tell he was still disappointed Alex hadn't shared this with him though.

"Hey, Alex" A figure said coming up behind her, Mika and Suke were surprised as this figure's arms proceeded to wrap around Alex. "Who are they?".

"Rico, you surprised me, I thought we agreed to meet in the usual place" Alexa said before leaning up and pressing a kiss against the boy now known as Rico's cheek. Mika and Ryunosuke looked over at one another. 

'This is my sister right, the same girl who hates public affection' Mika thought to herself. 

"We were just heading there but Chase heard your voice whilst Jacon saw you in this alleyway, anyway stop avoiding the questioned who are they" Rico said looking at the pair in front of him suspiciously. 

"Oh, not sure they were following me, I jumped into this alleyway to find out what they wanted" Alexa answered giving her boyfriend an innocent look which she had used on their father multiple times to get out of doing paperwork in case she had to help him on (whether he asked for it or not). 

"Who the hell are you and why are you following Alexa" the light purple-haired boy said stepping in front of Alexa and Rico, Suke and Mika shared a frightened looked with one another before turning to face Alexa and the others. Alexa took one look at her sister and best friend expressions before she burst out laughing. 

"Omgs, your faces" Alexa giggled before walking over and throwing an arm over Mika's shoulders.

"Guys, this is my sister Mika and her boyfriend Ryunosuke" Alexa introduced them. 

"Suke, Mika, the brown-haired one in the middle is Rico, my boyfriend. The smiling idiot back there is Akira, the purple-haired idiot who tried to sound threatening is Chase, the small midget is Azzai, that crazy human who is unable to stand still is Jacon and lastly is Juliarh" Alexa introduced but buttered the last name.

"Juliarah but everyone calls me Jewels since as you can tell no one is able to pronounce my name" Jewels said whilst grabbing a hold of Chase's hand and entangling their fingers together. 

"It is nice to finally meet you Mika, Ryunosuke, we have heard a lot about you from Alexa" Rico said before shaking Mika's and Suke's hand. 

"That's a lie, we only knew about their existence at that was not until 2 months ago when you saw her with them" Jacon shouted. 

"I was trying to be nice" Rico replied whilst glaring at the other boy. 

"We don't take any offence to it, Alex has always been a secretive person, I mean we did not know about your existence until today" Mika replied smiling. 

"If you are trying to tell, I should trust more, you can take that idea and shove it where the sun doesn't shine" Alexa answered glaring at both Rico and Mika.

'That's the Alexa I know' Mika thought to herself.

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