#I Care For U

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Sanyukta was standing near rd's room... She was busy in deciding whether to enter or not...

She held the knob then withdrew her hands... Becoz she was not sure about playing with someone's feelings... She had made a master plan....but she was afraid to execute it...

What r u doing here??? Rd Shaked her...

Oo I was..hmm...just... Sanyu was stammering...

Are u here to say sorry for yesterday...then no need to...I knew that u said those words only to divert the topic.... Rd said

Who said this to u??? Sanyu asked folding her hands near to her chest...

U r predictable sanyukta.... Rd said

Then u r absolutely wrong .... What I said yesterday was real... I am in love with u Mr Uncle.... Sanyu said with a smile...

But why do I am getting negative vibes that u r upto something.... Rd said...

Sanyukta encircled her hands around his neck...

Don't think too much rd.... It's Ur choice whether to believe it or not... But I am saying the truth that I had started falling for u.... She said...

Rd removed her hands which were perfectly locked around his neck...

Sanyukta...r u out of Ur mind??? Rd asked shaking her...

Yeah...my mind is not working....now it's filled with ur thoughts rd.... Sanyu said...

I think u lost everything.... Saying so rd went from there leaving her alone...

God..I knew that I am doing wrong...Plzz forgive me.... Sanyu chipped in her mind....

Sanyu and rd's whole conversation was heard by chotu....and he was smiling  thinking something in his tiny head...


Sanyu sat opposite to rd and started admiring him like a luv struck teenager....

Rd glared her hard but she didn't took her eyes off him....

Children were looking each other as if they understood what is happening...

All started eating their food...

Sanyu brought her legs near to his and started rubbing his feet..

Rd choked his food... He started coughing badly...

Rd what happened??? R u fine?? Sanyu forwarded a glass of water...

Rd took it from her and gulped it down.....

Sanyu was continuously smiling and blushing looking at him... Rd was getting pissed of her...

After having breakfast Sanyu went behind rd and entered his room...

Rd locked the room from inside...

What r u upto?? Rd asked directly looking into her eyes...

U know it...then why r u asking??? Sanyu asked

No..u r lying.....rd said

No I am not lying...I really love u....  Sanyu said

Stop it sanyukta... It's not a joke.... Rd pinned her to the wall.... His eyes were red due to anger...

Rd..I ....am saying..... the.... truth...I love

Sanyukta....I don't care whether u r saying the truth or not.... Just stop repeating that word... Rd yelled at her...Tears were ready to come out from his eyes....

Rd...u should come out of ur past.... I will help u in it.....Plzz don't kill urself like this.. Sanyu said genuinely...

Plzzz sanyuktaa..... stop it....... No one cares for me... If I die or not...it don't matters to anyone....

I care for u rd..... Sanyu cupped his cheeks...

Plzz..sanyuktaa... I don't deserve anyone's care.... Rd was now crying ..

Sanyu was flabbergasted.... She didn't thought that rd would cry infront of her.... She was shocked to react.... She didn't knew what to do....

Sanyukta hugged him tight.... Rd was crying complaining about his life...

I am bad sanyukta.... I am bad.... No one loves me... I don't deserve anyone's love.... Rd was crying holding her tight..

Sanyu was consoling him by patting his back...

Later Sanyu broke the hug...

Rd... Share Ur sorrows with me... U will feel better... Sanyu said with concern..

No sanyukta... I can't.... I am a coward... I can't even share my past with anyone... Rd said while wiping his tears..

I won't judge u... Plzzz try to open up.... Sanyu said...

No I can't....

Plzzz rd....try....

Ashna is my sister.....

What???? Sanyu was shocked and confused...

She can answer all Ur questions....now plzzz leave me alone.... Rd said..

Sanyu left his room leaving him alone..


Precap : Rd's past will be out...


BYE :)

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