#I Love U

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When rd came to knew that Sanyu is at Canada he tried to contact her....but all his attempt failed..

Till now he had realised that he is having a different feeling for her... And he knew what it is....

He went to Canada to meet her.....

Ting tong... Rd rang the bell

Sanyu opened the door and got the biggest shock seeing rd at her doorstep.....

Hiiii.... Rd said to her and entered inside....

Sorry who r u?? She asked

Don't start Ur drama.... Rd sat on the sofa...

Randhir ..who said u that I am here??? She asked folding her hands near to her chest...

Why do u think about me??? It was not so difficult to find Ur location... Rd said...

Why did u came here??? She asked...

In this six months u had changed a lot sanyukta... U had become serious... that's interesting... Rd said....

Answer me why did u came here??? Sanyu asked....

I came here to meet u..... Rd said...

Sanyu rolled her eyes hearing his stupid answer...

Now it's my turn to ask u questions.... Why did u left India and came here away from us.. Rd asked

It's none of Ur business... She said...

U will have to answer my question... Now rd was serious...

I got transferred...that's it.... Sanyu said

No u r lying.... U bought this transfer.. why??? Rd asked.

I can't give u answer to this question... Sanyu said trying hard to control her tears..

U will have to answer... Rd stood up and came towards her....

Why??? What will u do after knowing about it??? Sanyu asked...

Sanyukta don't argue.... Say what's the matter... I can't see u in pain... U had done a lot to me.... Becoz of u today I got my whole family... Rd said cupping her face...

U r happy right?? Then why did u came here??? To make me sad???? Sanyu asked...

How can I make u sad?? Rd asked..

Rd..Plzz..don't make it difficult for me.... 

Plzz say what's bothering u?? Rd asked...

It's u....it's all becoz of u.... I tried not to but.... but I couldn't control myself.... it's all becoz of u...

Rd was confused...

I don't want to come in between u and shradha so I left India.... It's all becoz of u.... U made me fall in love with u...u... Sanyu was crying bitterly.....

Rd hugged her tight... Even he was crying...but due to happiness... Yes he is happy....

So that day u said me the truth that u loves me??? Rd asked after breaking the hug...

No that wasn't a truth.... But later I don't know when .... It's all becoz of u.. Sanyu said...putting all blame on him....

And it's becoz of u I wasted my days and nights thinking about ur disappearance.... It's becoz of u I got many sleepless nights... It's becoz of u my heart cried in Ur absence.... It's becoz of u I had fallen in love with u.... Rd said...

What??? It's not a joke.... U first copied my dialogue...and now insulting my feelings??? Sanyu was getting angry now....

No I am saying the truth.... I love u.... Rd said...

Do u think I will fall in Ur prank??? If yes then u r wrong.. I won't --- she couldnt continue her blabberings  becoz rd sealed his lips with her's.....




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