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It was the day after Barry had returned back to the QAN, well and alive, bringing happiness to both Cisco and Caitlin, especially Caitlin. Barry and Caitlin had been practically inseparable, staying together at every moment, ever since they had returned from their small event of diving through space together the previous day. They had also fallen asleep together on one of the sofas in the living quarters, both of them not splitting up ever since he had woken up from more or less dying the day before. Cisco was currently where he always was, in the storage ring, working on one of his 'projects'. Both Barry and Caitlin were currently in the command ring, watching the entire space station spin around in front of them. Currently orbiting the part of Earth which was half night and a half day, just passing the crossover point between the two times, creating for quite a nice view. The pair were snuggled up together on one of the seats, watching as they orbited the Earth. On any other station, this would be quite a boring process, however, the QAN created 24 loops around the Earth per day, making for once every hour, so it actually made for quite an interesting view. 

"So, how are you today?" Barry asked, looking down towards Caitlin.

"I'm good thanks, better than usual. You?"

"I'm good as well," he replied with a smile, resting his head upon hers, which was laid on his shoulder.

Over the past few hours, Barry had been thinking a lot about everything that had happened over the past day or so, everything that had taken place. Before he had left, Caitlin had told him that she had loved him, which made him extremely happy, despite him having already figured it out before. He had never had anyone feel this way about him before, so the fact that someone now did really got to him emotionally, as it really meant a lot to him. The feeling of her cuddled up against him was really something that he had never had before, making him blush slightly, the feeling taking control of him. He knew full well that he loved her as well, and was very strongly hoping for a good future with her. Whenever she was around him, she cheered him up, made him happier. She had also literally saved his life, which was something else incredible that she had done for him.

Caitlin was also letting her thoughts run wild, thinking about the previous day's events. When Barry came back to life, it was quite possibly the happiest day of her life, seeing him alive and well again. Despite her actions towards him in previous times, she had really grown to like him as of recent times. As she had given him a seconds chance, as they had had a do-over, she had really noticed that there was a good person within him and that they have much more in common than she originally thought, and they also got along significantly better than she originally perceived. Just being around him made her smile, also feeling the blush growing on her cheeks.

They continued to snuggle up together at the desk, smiling at one another as they stared out of the window, doing what they did so often, looking out into the view of the planet below them.

"Hey Barry," Caitlin spoke up, lifting her head off from Barry's shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah?" he replied with a smile, looking her back in the eyes.

"About yesterday, when you almost died, will that ever happen again? Will you ever risk your life that way? Because I'm not so sure I could handle that happening, I still haven't fully gotten over yesterday."

"It won't. I promise I will always be here for you, I won't do anything like that again unless it is the last resort, I promise," he smiled, looking Caitlin in the eyes.

"Thank you," she replied.

"You know, Cait, I have something to tell you." he paused for a minute, before continuing.

"You saved my life Cait. I know that would usually sound really cliche but in our case, it's the literal case. You put in the effort and risked your own life to save mine, that means the world to me. You mean so much to me, ever since we have been on the QAN I feel that I have really connected with you, that we have really bonded. It may just be me, but all the dangers that we face on this station have managed to get through them, and not only that, we get through them together. It had quite possibly been the best few weeks of my life, not only have I had the amazing experience of being up here, but I got to spend it with you, and that has made it so much better, which is really saying something. I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me, for every moment you have spent with me," 

Barry stopped with a smile, looking Caitlin in the eye, who currently had a really visible tint of pink on her face, blushing strongly, an uncontrollable smile on her face.

"Thank you," she replied with yet another smile, Barry looking into the glow present in her eyes.

"There is one more thing," Barry started, taking a deep breath before he continued.

"You have done everything for me. When you told me that you loved me yesterday, that may have been the best thing anyone has ever said to me. You mean the world to me, Cait. And I have something I would like to ask you," he took another breath, a brief moment of silence.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Another silence fell throughout the room, the light side of Earth coming into view as the control centre was filled with a warm glow of sunlight filling the room. Caitlin slowly moved her hands over to Barry's, squeezing them tightly, as the blush on her face only grew stronger, just like her smile. It took her a moment to speak up, remaining speechless as to what Barry had just asked.

"Of course I will!" she said, sounding incredibly excited, throwing herself onto Barry embracing him in a hug. Both of them were blushing and smiling, both of them happier than ever.

"I love you," she said into his ear, causing him to smile even more.

"I love you too, Cait," he said back, pulling away from the hug as they looked into one another's eyes.

It didn't take long for the pair to slowly lean into one another, closing the space between them, resting their foreheads upon one another. They then slowly continued to close more space between them, not taking long for their lips to crash together, interlocking, both of them enjoying the moment, allowing all good feelings take over their minds. They stayed like this for a minute or so, before pulling away, looking at the happiness in the other's eyes. They then smiled at one another, resorting back to the position that they were in previously, looking out into the view that they were faced with, now snuggling up even closer to one another, Caitlin burying her head into Barry's shoulder, as the sun started to illuminate the room with a beautiful orange glow, both of them happier than they had been in a while, the two enjoying themselves more than ever, sitting down watching the amazing view.

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