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"Well, Cait, where to start?" Barry said, looking into her eyes and smiling.

These words already caused Caitlin to blush, especially considering that he hadn't started yet, however, the pink glow had already reunited with her cheeks.

"Caitlin Snow, we have been through a lot. And we are about to go through so much more. When we were back in training, we only spoke when we had to, you never wanted to talk to me unless it was a mission protocol. When we were passed for the mission and sent up here, things started to get better. You started to talk to me more, started to engage in conversation. Not long after you started opening up to me, telling me your weaknesses, your pains, etcetera. It was around here that I started to fall in love with you when you began to show that I helped you and when I came to realise that I could actually be of some use to you, to help you.

This really did mean a lot to me, as I have said before. I really do hope that this isn't rushed, because I certainly feel that it isn't. I genuinely want to spend the rest of my life with you, I feel that we could really make a life together. The time I have spent with you on this ship has been the best of my life, purely because of you. You have turned my life around, brought support, happiness, and comfort to me whenever I needed it, and I have tried my best to do the same for you. I know we used to not get along but it is pretty obvious how that has changed, on a massive scale as well. You have explained all of your troubles to me, and I have done my best to help you with it. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, Cait, and I hope we can make that work together."

Caitlin was left with her cheeks glowing a brighter colour by the second, trying her best to hide the ever growing smile present on her face. She simply looked back up at Barry with her small, cute smile, and mouthing the words 'thank you', causing Barry to also blush.

"And the bride's turn," the vicar continued.

"Barry, first of all, I need to say thank you so much for all of that, I mean, how am I meant to top that? 

Anyway, I shall start by apologising. I never used to treat you the way I should have. However, I believe I have changed a lot since then, and that is purely because of the way you treated me. You always cared about me, were always there for me, always did whatever you could just to make me happy. And that means everything to me. You were nicer to me than anyone else before, and it is truly incredible how you could do that. I wish there was a way that I could repay you, however, I have no idea how I can do that as what you have done for me is just so amazing. You really brought the good out of me, as well as the confidence. When we were on the ship coming up here, I realised that perhaps I should start talking to you, as a pose to completely ignore you, which is something I regret doing. The past couple of months we have spent together have been the best of my life, just as you said the same for you. Barry Allen, I too want to spend the rest of my life with you, that is something which I am certain of. I hope that one day, we can live happily together, in a home back on Earth, perhaps even children of our own. I know that we will have a lot of work and be in a lot of danger over the next few days, however I believe that we can get through it, together, and get back down there, to the planet below, and have a life together," she ended as she blushed to herself, looking up at Barry to see him doing the same, the red glow appearing on his face as well.

The vicar continued his speech, before reaching the important parts.

"Who has the rings?"

Cisco walked up to the pair, handing both of them their rings, both Barry and Caitlin applying their appropriate rings to one another.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The pair linked hands and leant in for a passionate kiss, allowing the happiness to take over their minds as their lips interlocked, both blushing more than they ever had before. After they released, neither were able to wipe the smile from their face, as they both walked back down the aisle, now married as husband as wife, hand in hand as they looked into the glow of the other's eyes as they headed through the station, off towards the sleeping quarters.

On their way there, they broke into another kiss, slowly turning more intense as they entered into Barry's bedroom, at this point Caitlin's legs being wrapped around his waist, Barry holding her up as they backed onto the bed, their clothes being carelessly thrown across the room as they tangled up within the sheets, now happily married together, happier than ever before...


3 Days Later

The duo were now hard at work on one of the engines, the main flow of work being in full play. As predicted, a lot of this work and stress had to be overcome, however, they managed to get through it together, the married couple happier than either had been before this trip. They had received many specific instructions from NASA on how to put the repairs into place and as a whole, how to get the engine up and running to prevent the ship from colliding with the Earth. So far, everything had gone to plan, however recently the pace of work had gone down, something seemingly making the job much harder.

"What do you think is keeping us up?" Caitlin asked, stepping back for a minute and clasping her face in her hands from being worn out.

"Well, it could be a malfunction somewhere, in fact, it could be..."

He was cut off by an ear-piercing alarm ringing, causing the two to stand up alert and both naturally running up to the command ring to find out what it is. As they rushed up to the ring, scanning their retinas to gain access, they saw a massive hologram on display in the room, flashing red with an emergency. Barry headed on over towards it, looking at the hologram to find out what was actually wrong.

"No..." Barry trailed off, looking Caitlin in the eyes, the fear obviously present.

"What is it?" she replied, the same level of fear obvious in her tone.

"The ship, it's, how?"


"It's heading towards Earth... and... we are past the point of no return."

"No... what are we going to do?" She said, after a few seconds of silence.

"There is only one way we can fix this. We need to blow the QAN, the smaller debris should burn up in the atmosphere, any pieces which survive will land in the ocean. That will save the world. However, I am not so sure how we survive..." he trailed off, looking Caitlin in the eyes, both of them developing a few tears, as they quickly moved into one another, embracing in a hug, both terrified for their lives.

"We can live. I will do anything I can to protect you, Cait."

"Same for you," she muttered as they pulled away, looking him in the eyes.

"How long do we have?"

"An hour at most," he said, taking hold of both of her hands to reassure her as best he could.

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