Canis Major

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The pair were sat in Barry's bed, cuddled up in the early hours of the morning. Technically, this wasn't completely true, as on a space station there was no deemed day and night, however, they lived by the American time zone that they were from, so they managed to maintain a regular sleep pattern without suffering from a form of jetlag. They had now been engaged for around three days, their first day of major work being tomorrow. They had planned to spend most of this day resting, as a lot of stress and work would have to be thrown about within the next few weeks or so, and not only that, the entire human race was at risk, so even more pressure was applied as a result. Many safety checks had been made the day before just so they wouldn't have to waste any time tomorrow, as well as to know that they would be safe during this possibly dangerous mission. These included life support, a temporary decrease in power in the engine so they could safely do work inside without being incinerated.

The pair were both awake, staring at the scenery they had on display, which was a bunch of green rolling hills, lined with trees, to create for a nice countryside view. Caitlin was in her usual position of her head upon Barry's shoulder, burying into his neck, Barry placing his head onto hers, his arm draped around her and laying to rest on her shoulder. Their legs were somewhat weaved together to decrease the amount of space between them even further. The duvet was just slightly placed on top of their feet, mainly in a mess at the foot of the bed. The scenery on the wall opposite them slowly turned off, after around half an hour, revealing the stars and constellations behind it.

"So, how are you today?" Barry asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm good thanks, how about you?"

"Good as well," he smiled, looking her in the eyes and seeing the glow which he saw so often.

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"Well, it's up to you," Barry replied, taking hold of both of her hands.

Caitlin appeared to awkward out for a brief moment, a blush appearing on her face as she appeared to think about something. 

"You okay?" he asked, noticing her actions.

"Yeah, well, I was just thinking about something. I was thinking that, well, you know, we are engaged now, and it will be a long time until we are back on Earth, a small chance that we may never actually get back. And I know one thing, I want to marry you, Barry. I want that more than anything else in the world. And I know that it isn't exactly ideal, but I thought that perhaps we could do that, well, at some point before everything could possibly go wrong..." she said, trailing off towards the end, leaving Barry to continue.

"Well, I think that is a great idea," he smiled, squeezing both of her hands slightly, blushing slightly at the thought.

"Well, I know it's a bit short notice, but how about today?" Caitlin said, still sounding slightly nervous, but retaining her small, cute smile placed upon her face.

"That sounds great," he smiled, both unable to keep in their feelings. They shared a quick kiss, before parting their own ways to prepare for the upcoming event.


"So, getting married, huh?" Cisco joked through the Skype call he was currently on with Barry.

"Yeah," he replied, looking away from the webcam to hide his excitement.

"Well, I may be able to help somewhat. Just make sure you have it in the observatory, and, you well, let's just say you will see," he laughed.

"Okay then, just don't go too over the top," 

"Sure thing,"

"Oh and also, the ship has a fabricator in storage. It can create any clothing you would like in a few minutes, so go down there and get yourself a suit," he laughed again, before ending the call.

As the call ended, Barry immediately headed over to the storage, not struggling to find the fabricator that he was talking about, however for some reason it was already on, and fairly hot to the touch as if it had just been used. However, not thinking too much of it, he inputted the instructions required to create a suit for him, waiting by the machine for a few minutes as it was created.


It was a few hours later that day, Barry not having seen Caitlin since the morning prior. He was currently on his way towards the observatory just as previously instructed by Cisco. Not knowing what was awaiting him, he naturally felt rather nervous, not sure what would come of it all, but at the same time knew that he was looking forward to it.

As he entered the observatory, the sight which he was confronted with was amazing. Somehow an entire wedding-like room had been formed, rows of seats to the left and right of the carpet leading down the middle of the room, leading up to the raised platform at the front of the room where the pair would be standing. Even more incredibly, the room was filled with friends and family of the two, somehow all seating and moving, as if they were the real deal, however that couldn't be possible. As he walked further into the room, they all turned round and looked at him, his personal friends and family clapping him, as the other people, presumably Caitlin's family, simply looked at Barry and smiled, seeming rather happy at the event.

He felt a hand rest on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly and turn around, to see Cisco stood there.

"Cisco? How..."

"Calm down Barry, it's nothing to worry about. Technically, this room is as empty as usual. I simply managed to uncover and complete an old project of mine. Simply, it allows the manipulation of a certain particle to create any shape, action, anything that I please. Even better than that, what you are seeing right now isn't just a bunch of solid holograms. We are all stood in a room on Earth, and we see you just as you see us. It's practically an exact copy, just, well, all whilst being a few hundred thousand miles away from one another," he said with a chirpy tone in his voice.

"Woah, this is truly incredible Cisco, and that's saying something, I'm currently on a space station," he joked, looking at the many people looking back at him.

"Well, do you want to get up there?" Cisco said, prompting towards the platform at the end.

"Sure thing," Barry said, walking down the aisle and taking his place, waiting for Caitlin to appear. It was amazingly well done, feeling more or less real, and especially considering that it technically was real, it was really something great, even this was a jump in technology for the time.

It wasn't too long after this when everyone in the room slowly stopped talking, the bridal music beginning to play. The vicar had already taken his place at the pedestal, Barry standing slightly in front and to the left of him.

After around 10 or so seconds, Caitlin emerged into the room, wearing a beautiful, purely white wedding dress, complete with a veil. She was clearly attempting to hide her blush, Barry not being able to help to admire her beauty as she headed down the aisle. The dress draped behind her as she approached the stage, looking up at Barry with her usual small, cute smile, the pink glow clearly visible on her cheeks.

They shared a quick gaze, both of them taking a glimpse at how the other looked before the vicar started speaking.

He went through the usual introduction, introducing the event until they got to the vows.

"May the groom like to say his vows?"

"Well, Cait, where to start?" Barry said, looking into her eyes and smiling.

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