Pool Party

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Caitlin slowly came to her senses, waking up to the nice scenery on display, being a sunset in a forest, projected on the window opposite them. She looked to her left to see herself in Barry's arms, both of them still in their normal clothes, having fallen asleep in each other's arms the night before. She smiled to herself as she felt the butterflies start in her stomach caused by the feeling of Barry by her side, his arm wrapped around her, her hand was currently placed on his chest, her face buried in his shoulder. She very slowly slipped out of the bed, trying her best not to disturb or wake him, before heading off to the showers to wash and change into some clean clothes.

It wasn't long after that Barry woke up, realising that Caitlin was strangely missing from his arms, so as a result he stood up and dragged himself through the corridors to the showers, to get ready for the day ahead of him. After he had finished, he walked through the hallways and into the elevator, finally reaching the living quarters and heading into the kitchen to see both Cisco and Caitlin sat down, waiting for him to arrive.

"Hey sleepy," Caitlin laughed, causing Barry to smile to himself realising that he had slept in.

"Shut up," he laughed back, heading over to Caitlin and sitting down next to her, Caitlin then taking hold of his hand underneath the table.

"So, guys, I found something today, and I have a plan," Cisco started, getting the couple's attention.

"Oh okay, what is it?" Barry replied.

"Well, I found a pool near the end of the grand concourse. I thought considering all the work we have done as of late, we could have a pool party!" Cisco exclaimed excitedly, a large smile emerging on his face.

"Okay, that sounds fun," Caitlin replied, also sounding excited.

"Well, let's say, I will meet you there in an hour?"

"Okay, sounds great," Barry said, looking over at Caitlin and smiling.

It wasn't long until Cisco had run off to the storage wing to do some last minute work on something he was building, leaving Barry and Caitlin to their own devices. 

"So, shall we go and get changed?" Caitlin asked, gripping onto Barry's hand.

"Yeah, sure," he replied as the pair headed off back to their rooms.


It didn't take too much longer until Barry was waiting for Caitlin to emerge from her room, as he was already fully changed into some swimming trunks. As Caitlin emerged in a beautiful looking swimsuit, the pair linked hands as both smiled, Barry admiring Caitlin's beauty as they walked off towards the pool. 

As they reached the pool, they noticed that Cisco had laid out a table and three chairs, presumably for food later on. However, as of now, he was nowhere to be seen, so the pair decided to get into the pool to simply enjoy themselves as they waited.

They both slid into the water, which was a nice warm temperature. They both swam over to the centre of the pool, simply floating there as they eventually headed over to one another, grabbing the other in their arms. They stayed like this for a few minutes, breaking into a few passionate kisses in the water, enclosing themselves and the space between them in their hug. They continued to do this for minutes to come, enjoying themselves as the time went on.

It wasn't too long after this that Cisco stumbled into the room, seeing the couple already in the water, kissing away as they were enjoying themselves.

"Wow, I leave you guys for half an hour and you are already making out," Cisco joked, causing the pair to embarrassingly pull away from one another, giving each other a look as if to say 'later'. They both blushed slightly as they climbed out of the pool and walked over to him, all three of them sitting down at the table nearby to have lunch together. 

"So, how long have you two been together now?" Cisco asked, trying to bring up some conversation and prevent the duo from resorting back to one another's 'company'.

"Around 3 weeks," they both said in strange unison, causing each of them to laugh.

"Yep, it has been a great 3 weeks as well," Barry smiled in response, the pair sharing a quick look, noticing the glimmer in the each other's eyes.

Not long after they started preparing some food, Cisco had even built a barbeque to use for the occasion, currently cooking up food for everyone. There was a small dome area near the end of the pool, allowing a great view of the stars outside, as well as the view of the distant Andromeda galaxy. 


It was around an hour later, the three having had completed their meal, as well as having spent some time in the pool, Barry and Caitlin trying their best not to get too carried away with anything during Cisco's presence. It was around this time that everyone had started to get slightly worn out, especially Cisco, considering he had also spent the majority of the time before the party building the barbeque that they had used. The station had also shifted ever so slightly closer to the planet today, beginning the course of its collision, however, this was a very slow process and would not hit the point of no return for a few weeks from now, so the trio still had time to do things which they enjoyed, things to distract them from the imminent danger. They had been on the ship for around a month now, currently a week over the time they were originally meant to be on board, however, their mission had been extended due to the dangers threatening the planet below. The three had been thoroughly enjoying the time spent on the station, despite everything put into consideration. 

"Well, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I am going to go to bed early, so I will see you two lovebirds tomorrow," Cisco laughed, heading out of the room and off towards his sleeping chamber, leaving Barry and Caitlin together.

"Well, what shall we do?"

"It is entirely up to you," Barry replied, smiling.

"I have an idea," she teased, walking up to him and interlocking him in a kiss, Barry wrapping his arms around her as they did so, staying like this for a few minutes, before they got slightly carried away, unaware of their surroundings. In fact, they were so unaware that during this they accidentally backed into the pool, both of them falling in, still in each other's grip. As they emerged to the surface, they both broke into a small laughter, but not for long as they were soon back in each other's arms, kissing yet again. They stayed entangled for a few minutes, floating in the water as they kept the distance between the lips entirely closed. Despite only having a few weeks left before the prominent danger was at high risk, however, they were all being as optimistic as possible in hope that they would find a solution. Everything was going much better than originally anticipated, however, as both Barry and Caitlin had shared a relationship better than anything they had experienced before in their lives, happiness and feelings they had never previously experienced. It was truly something good that this mission had brought out, something that even if all else did feel, they could share together. Something they could remember. And only time could tell what was to come later on.

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