Dinner Date

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The couple were sat in the repairs wing, doing some simple repairs that the ship needed on that day, however it was only minor things, nothing major. Cisco was currently on yet another contact call with Earth, being fed information about their current status, possible repairs, etcetera. Both Barry and Caitlin were working on the same repair job, however not because the job needed two people, but simply because they wanted to maximise the amount of time spent together, as per usual they loved being in one another's company. They were sat directly next to one another, practically leaning against each other as the work was carried out.

"Hey Cait, I discovered a certain area on the ship, which I don't think anyone here knows about yet, and I thought I would surprise you with it, so as soon as we have finished this then we can go," Barry smiled, looking over at her, noticing a small smile appearing on her face, appearing as if she was confused, curious yet happy all at the same time.

"Okay, yeah, I can't wait," she replied, the happiness present in her tone of voice.

The pair continued with their work, approaching finishing as the circuit board which Barry was fiddling with had been fixed, slowly wiring it back into place, before they stood up together and headed out from the compartment which they were previously in, walking out from the repair wing and headed towards the elevator together.

They took the trip to the leisure segment of the station, the lapse in gravity causing Caitlin to jump, forgetting once again that this happened, despite the many trips she had been on in said elevator. A few seconds passed as they reached their destination, Barry taking hold of Caitlin's hand and walking her through the main area of the ship, called the Grand Concourse, which was an area specifically designed to be attached to a future spaceship, called the Avalon, which would send around 5000 passengers to colonise a new planet, by the name of Homestead II. However, for now, it was part of the QAN, both Barry and Caitlin heading on through it towards an area near the far end.

"I've never been down here before, where are we going?" Caitlin asked out of curiosity.

"You'll see," Barry smiled back as they approached where they were headed.

"In fact, I think we are here," he said a few seconds after, as they turned around a corner to reveal where he had taken her.

It was a large area that strongly resembled a restaurant, which was quite surprising considering that they were on a space station. There were around 20 tables scattered throughout the area, with what appeared to be an ordering counter near the far end. The unique thing about this restaurant, however, was that the waiters were in fact robots, sleek, slender type models which moved around with hover technology, the head of the model consisting of a technological eye, which allowed it to see it's surroundings, as well as a speaker to communicate with people. They were equipped with two arms to carry objects, in this case, food to the tables. The kitchen of the ship relied on semi - artificial intelligence. The whole area was mainly just a test run, as it would be used extremely highly when the 5000 passengers would want to use it themselves, for now, it wasn't in one hundred percent working condition, but it could easily handle one couple. 

"I found this the other day, as strange as it sounds these robots are programmed to reserve a table, despite the fact that they were the only ones here, however, I did anyway so we would actually be served," he told her, taking a hold of her hand and walking into the area, taking a seat at one of the booths.

They spent a few minutes talking with one another, holding hands across the table, a candle light glowing around them, leaving a soft orange tint in the surrounding the area. It wasn't long before one of the androids rolled over towards them before it started 'speaking'.

"What is your order?"

They spent the next few minutes ordering their meal, also having to get used to the fact that they were not being served by a human, but it was surprisingly well programmed to work how it was expected. The robot soon moved away, presumably to complete the order.

"So, what do you think so far?" Barry asked, the pair still interlocking fingers over the table.

"I love it, thank you," she replied with a smile, as the food arrived via one of the robots.

"Wow, that was quick," Caitlin said, to a surprise reply from the robot.

"We hope we satisfied your needs. Payment will be accepted from laser scan as you leave the building."

"Um... thank you?" Caitlin replied, still not completely used to the whole thing.

"You are welcome."

The robot slowly moved away, leaving the pair to themselves, eating their food as time went on, surprisingly going pretty fast.

"This was really nice, thank you," Caitlin said as the pair walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand as per usual.

"No problem, I am glad you enjoyed it," 

"Is there anything else hidden on this station that we don't know about?" Caitlin asked curiously.

"Well, I am sure we can find out, however, I am feeling a bit tired, so why don't we get some rest first?"

"Yeah, okay, that sounds nice," he smiled back, the pair walking over towards Barry's sleeping compartment.


It wasn't long before the pair were sat together on Barry's bed, leant against the headboard together, Caitlin cuddled up next to Barry, head on his shoulder, his head on hers, as they did so often these days, yet still loved it just as much each time it happened. Barry had his arm placed around her, pulling her in closer to him as the snuggled up together. The screens were set to a nice-looking sunset forest scene, leaving the room in a small orange glow, similar to the one in the restaurant given by the candlelight.

The station was pretty quiet, which would be expected with the fact that there are only three people, however, usually, they had a lot of machine sounds and system sounds going off everywhere, so it was nice to just have some peace and quiet, together. 

"This is really nice, simply just being with you is nice in all honesty," Barry said, moving his arm around to take a hold of Caitlin's hand. 

The area outside of the station was currently making for quite a nice view, as they were orbiting a part of the Earth where to majority of the satellites were, all of which could be seen from the main viewing window of the bedroom. The part of Earth that they were orbiting was currently at night, all the city's lights glowing various yellows, oranges and blues. It made for quite a nice view, the pair just sat together on the bed.

It wasn't long before Caitlin fell asleep on his shoulder, the pair cuddled up together as they eventually both fell asleep, cuddled up in one another's arms.

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