New year

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Phoenix POV
It's new year! the time to celebrate the new year and hope it's better than the last. It's weird to think two years ago I was living as a human thinking creature like me only existed in fairy-tales and books. When I was living on earth, I did feel like something was missing which happen to be my family and friends wouldn't know what to do without them. Last year I lost the love of my life and nearly lost my best friends love but, in the end, good wins over evil; we gained one new person in our lives. My son Engel. Life really is worth living when you have the right people to share it with.

Life couldn't be better, I know my evil half-sister is still out to get us but with them by my side anything is possible: right?

"Mum are you set for the party?" Engel asks me with a worried face. Lost in thought I barley hear him.
"Mum?" He taps my shoulder gently. Making me jump five foot in the air. Spinning round to face a very worried looking Engel.
"Yes?" I ask quickly.
"Are you ready for the party?" He asks me for the third time tonight. We're standing outside of the main hall; my body is flooding with nervous butterflies. It's my first time doing the new announcement as the new underworld Queen. "Yes, I'm more than ready." I Say with a truthful smile.
I give a nod to the hellhound Guards who swing open the newly fixed doors.

My heels click along the floor loudly letting the underworld know their Queen is here. My brown eyes meet a pair of red ones. I wouldn't say I wasn't nervous but I am. My father used to do this all the time; now it's my turn. Standing on the stage facing different coloured eyes glowing up at me.

"Demons I would like to announce that a new year is here let's hope it's different to the last two years I have been back" I awkwardly laugh out.
"A lot has happened is the last year we lost Emrick and nearly lost our high-ranking warrior Fenrir, but luck is on our side and we gained them back to help fight against the angels we also gained my new son Engel." I gush with happiness.
"I hope all the warriors are ready for the fight that is brewing I wouldn't want to lose any of you so please train hard, I have also organised a safety hut for all the young demons, mothers and the elderly when the war breaks out. Now let's party!" The crowd cheers and claps while loud mental music plays.

Watching my demons dance and have fun like there was no worry in the world, I smile to myself trying to remember everyone smiling. "I'm proud of you." An old rusty voice echoes through my ears. I snap my eyes up to meet my fathers red ones. He looks more radiant his skin was looking less wrinkly, his eyes had that wonderful brightness to them, and his lips weren't pale they held colour. "Father."
"I'm glad you dethroned me I needed it the title was too much for me to handle. I had lost the title when I had to let you go." His voice held sadness as his eyes flashed like they were remembering the day he had to let me go. "It's not your fault daddy you couldn't help falling in love with an Angel plus if you hadn't, I wouldn't be here now would I." I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

Me and my father were close when I was young guessing the time apart broke our relationship. "I know love after losing my mate I fell into darkness and her bright white hair captured me I didn't even realise she was an Angel until she announced she was pregnant with you: declaring she was keeping you after Enid told her of your destiny." I looked at his teary red eyes my heart pained for him, I zipped to him clinging onto his torso. "I love you daddy." I squeeze him tightly. "And I love you too my little hybrid." He stroked my black hair smoothing it down. My own tears fell mixing with his on the ground below us.

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