Breaking the vampire's heart (Cloud)

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Astrid POV
Ever since Phoenix came home from her honeymoon and found out about the babies, she's different. She's more angel then demon I'm worried for her. "Ash have you seen her?"
"No Emrick I haven't seen her, I haven't seen her for three days now." He's pale face dropped. The hope he held slowly withering away.
"I'm sure she will turn up mate." My beautiful hellhound strolls into the living area. He joined Emrick on the sofa kicking his feet up onto the glass table. The red sky was lit up brightly as the fire burning sun burnt Fiercely. I stared out the window wondering if my best friend will be okay wherever she was.

Phoenix POV
"You there!"
"Yes mam."
"You call yourself a hellhound you can't even fight! work harder your useless piece of shit!" I paced back and forth of the training room. Watching the useless so-called warriors train. I had been here three days watching them fucking useless they all are. "Mam can we have a break please?" Some blonde-haired black magic witch with pleading violet eyes. He looked exhausted from working so hard. Bless him. "No, you can't! You think those babies want a break from bleeding out! No don't think so!" My eyes flashed black. He ran off fear and determination in eyes. I couldn't help but take pleasure from that. The fear I caused to my demons was worth every minute I spent here.

Emrick POV
"Fenrir do you think she will come home?"
"I don't know mate; her angel half is in full swing you're lucky she's hasn't tried to take over them as well." My head slumped back down. All my hope was leaving me. "Fenrir that's a great plan why didn't I think of that." My head swung to the familiar but not familiar voice. "Phoenix!" I jumped up to hug her. She sent me flying towards the TV smashing it and me at the same time.
"Sorry babe but Phoenix isn't here right now please leave a message sure she will get back to you." I pulled myself up off the floor my wounds healing quickly but my heart was still breaking in two. I looked at her closely she's wasn't my demon I fell in love with she was evil: pure evil. Her voice was venomous when she spoke, her eyes were white, her lips curled up at the slightest bit of pain she caused to someone.
Her black wings were on full show. She was Cloud the daughter of Candle. "Now, now Emrick baby it's still me well kind of is, you see me, and Phoenix bless her good heart have spilt in two, think of it as a spilt personality, she's the good half and I'm the more fun half." She smiled wickedly at me showing off her pearly white teeth making sure to show off her fangs.
"Cloud release my wife now!"
"Tut, tut can't be done you see I got bored of been held back all the time and well when she snapped earlier at a hot black magic witch, I came out to play and I'm not going anywhere." I looked at her deep in her white eyes hoping to see a little of my Phoenix but nothing, not even a little flicker of her there. My heart fell to the floor. Everything was gone again, she's gone again and not coming back. Tears fell from my red eyes. I placed my hand on Cloud's cheek. "Phoenix I know you're in there, I just want to tell you I will wait for you for as long as it takes, I love you, I will always treasure our year together and our two weeks of our honeymoon."

Cloud's POV
I felt her resurfacing at his cold but warm touch. "No!" I pushed his hand off my face. "You can't come back out I'm not finished playing yet!" I peered into the shattered glass on the floor to see her pathetic pale face starting at me to let her out. "My dear you are staying in there. You are not coming out I have plans that don't involve miss goody pants." I left the room laughing. Leaving Emrick picking up the glass off the floor hoping to see her face. Now for my plan of taking over the divine kingdom.

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