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Dream's POV
"How dare she destroy my torture chamber with her stupid magic!" I paced up and down.
"My queen." An irritating voice came from behind me.
"What do you want Javan!"
"I have a plan to get her back."
"If it's a plan to kill her love she's already lost both." I roll my eyes at him.
"No my queen I have a better idea."
"Well let's hear it then!"
"I know a witch who can trap beings into their own mind."
"Fetch them!" I watched him scurry away faster than I've seen him move. Hope this plan works considering my other plans have failed. I need her to have that damn baby and I messed up and killed her mate. I have all these fucking screaming demon and angel babies for no reason now. I can't take her powers without her own baby. I pulled at my white hair in frustration.

"My queen this is Ursula. I turned to face this witch. She had long grey hair that flowed down her back in a braid. Her eyes where sliver, she had strong wrinkles that outlined her facial features perfectly. "I heard you can trap beings?"
"Yes, my queen I can trap a being in their own mind."
"Tell me how this works and what happens?" I demand.
"Well I give the person a sleeping potion, I wait for them to fall into a deep sleep then I go into the darkest part of their mind and trap them in. They end up stuck reliving their darkest memories and dreams over and over again nothing can wake them up." My eyes widen with glee. Finally, a plan that will work. Now who to trap?

"Would it work on my half-sister?" The old women looked at me closely before shaking her head. My smile withered away.
"Why not!"
"She's too powerful for anyone to enter her mind."
"Who can you do this on then!"
"The hellhound." Are yes that witches' mate, that could work for me. He was Emrick's best friend and is her best friends' lover. It would destroy Astrid to the point Phoenix will be left alone to deal with the loss of her friend and husband.
"Yes, do it the hellhound gets it!" I clapped my hands together with how well this plan is going. I'm a genius.

I waved her away to go down to the underworld and take care of the task at hand. I watch her walk round the dark and gloomy castle my sister was born to rule. She made her way to Fenrir laid out on his bed listening to music. Where are the girls it's no fun if they don't watch? "Astrid."
"What who's there!"
"It's only me your future queen."
"No you idiot the one and true queen!"
"Dream sorry to burst your bubble but you are not."
"Whatever I didn't sneak into your mind for this, I need you to open your mind to my dear sister I have something to show you both." I saw her debate doing what I said but she did as she was told the naive little girl. "I have done we're listening."
"Oh goody." I open my mind for them to see what I was seeing. I watched Ursula creep into the room disguised as Astrid. "Love I've bought you a drink."
"Thank you, babe." He drank the whole thing. His head hit the pillow fast and hard. Ursula disappeared into his mind. "You see what my friend here is doing, well actually you don't but I will tell you anyway she is entering his mind to where his darkest memories are, and she is going to trap his soul in there to relive this nightmare over and over again till his soul dies from the pain."
"Oh and one more thing there's no way he's coming out of this alive. "I laugh.

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