ice cream

642 37 14

After standing there for a while, still hugging each other we finally let go and just stand there staring at the now fading stars.

"Do you want ice cream?"
Siyoung suddenly says and points at the 24-hours shop.

"If you're paying."
"Okey Dokey let's go."
"Wait seriously?"
"Yeah now hurry."

He takes my hand an jumps around like a happy little kid. I can't hold in my laughter and just start jumping around too.

"Why are we so weird?"
"I don't know but I don't care."

We both laugh while entering the empty store.

"Ok which one do you want?"
"The one with the orange packaging.", I say excitedly.
"What flavor is that?"
"Honeydew melon. You should try it too! It tastes like heaven."
"Well I'm gonna try it but if it doesn't taste fuckin great you gotta pay me back."
"Aye aye sir but you can trust me."

I shake my head and we go to pay at the cashier.

While Siyoung is paying I stand right beside him and lose myself staring at him.

"What'chu lookin' at, babygirl?"

He's standing there with a stupid smirk on his face while I realize what he just called me.

Without hesitation I punch his shoulder. That jerk.

"Don't call me that."
"But I want to."
"But I don't."

The cashier looks at us weirdly while we're having a staring contest at the little shop.

"But it's a cute name, it fits you."
"But dean called me that."

His face suddenly goes back to normal and without saying anything he takes my hand again and we leave the store.

"What names can I call you then?" He suddenly starts speaking again while we're heading to who knows where.

"I mean nicknames?"
"I don't know, think about something that's not so cringeworthy."
"But cute nicknames are mostly cringeworthy but also cute."
"Yeah but I mean nothing like babygirl. Can't you just call me Haru? Where are we going by the way? My home is th-"

I stop in my tracks and look at the man beside me.

"Wait a second, where's the ice cream?"
"Oh shit!"

Siyoung let go of my hand and is now running back to the little shop where we forgot our ice cream five minutes ago.

"What a cute idiot." I whisper to myself with a smile on my face, before I shout and run after him.

"Yah! Wait for me!"

4:44 AM | giriboy Where stories live. Discover now