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After waking up dazed and confused in Siyoung's studio with him looking at me in a stupid but kind of cute way, I scrambled up and apologized for falling asleep. It was embarrassing, not going to lie, but I also felt weirdly safe around him.

Though about two hours later I excused myself to go home, because I felt like I was interrupting his work flow a little bit.

Currently it's Wednesday - which is why I'm wearing a hot pink shirt right now - and it's been about seventeen days - yes I counted - since I've seen or really talked to him. He only told me that he was really busy like a week ago when I asked him what he was up to. Even though I've thought a lot about our encounter and him in general, he sadly wasn't the one my mind was focused on.

My memories with Dean are still vividly playing in my mind all the time and I can't seem to get five minutes of peace from him. He's like an annoying demon that possessed me or something. I also tried to forget the stupid heartbreak by going out and drinking too much of everything that contains alcohol and telling various strangers in bars my sob-story. The bartenders were the only ones who seemed to listen though, because everyone else only wanted fun and not a crying pathetic girl to look after. They must have been very entertained by me.

Work was also something I've been focusing on, since I realized that alcohol wasn't the right solution for me and it shouldn't be for anyone for that matter.
My job as a waitress however didn't really work out as a good distraction either. It actually made me feel even more bad about myself because apparently people don't know what having respect and being polite actually means anymore.

My breaking point was then an extremely ignorant older man who was really testing my patience earlier, because he was unhappy with his, by the way perfectly fine food and thought I'm the right person to blame for his, apparently non existing taste buds. I swear I almost splashed water in his face and quit the job right then and there but that's not exactly what happened. Thankfully a friend of mine, who is also a waiter there got me away from the man before I threw more than a few mean words at him. My shift was almost over anyway, so now I'm here leaning on a wall next to the back entrance of the relatively luxurious restaurant I'm working at, calling the only person who I think can help me now, my last hope, my only solution left.

Surprisingly it only rings a few times before the other person takes the call.

"What's up Haru? Why are you calling, sorry I've been a bit busy lately," I can hear the deep voice say in an apologizing tone from the other end of the line.

"You're always busy," I state matter-of-factly.

"I know, so why are you calling?" I repeat the question over and over in my head and stare off into the dark night.

"Dean and I aren't together anymore and apparently I was just a toy to him anyway." I say after a few seconds of utter silence from both ends.

A few seconds pass and I still don't hear anything back. I hold my phone away from my ear to see if I accidentally ended the call but I see that I didn't.

"Minseok? Are you still there?" I ask unsure.

"That fucking piece of shit..." I hear my older brother mutter quietly after a while.

"Yeah damn right you are."

"What did he do? Are you okay? God, did the bastard hurt you?" I laugh at his attack of questions on me.

"Yeah that asshole hurt me but not physically. Mentally however..." My mouth gets dry when I think about the humiliation I felt a few weeks ago and which still is prominent.

"What has he done, I swear to god I'll fly over there, search for him and make him regret everything bad he ever did to you or any other girl in his life." My brothers voice is laced with venom as he says those words and just hearing him talk to me makes me realize just how much I miss him and that he really will always be my solution, my knight in shining armor.

"Can you come over here?" I hear my own voice ask him absentmindedly.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks." A tear almost slips from my eyes at the thought of my brother returning home for a while.

"Listen, I gotta go now but if anything happens again don't hesitate to call or text me. I'll call you when I book a flight okay? Love ya Haru, I swear I'll make that bastard pay somehow so don't waste more of your tears for that jerk. He's not worth it. When I'm there you gotta tell me the whole story ok?"

"I will, love ya back."

"Good, now go to sleep soon today and eat lots of chocolate and drink some tea. I'll be there soon, bye." He's so annoyingly sweet sometimes ugh.

"Okay, bye. And thanks." I tell my brother goodbye quietly with a soft and exhausted voice.

"I'm just doing what big brothers are supposed to do. Protecting their little sisters from bad guys." And with a final short laugh to himself and another goodbye he hangs up.

I guess I have something to look forward to now and I also think I should definitely follow my brother's advice and get me some chocolate, tea and a very big portion of sleep.


Hey! I know it's been a very long time since I've updated but here is a new chapter and I hope some of you will read and hopefully enjoy it. Just wanted to give something to y'all at the end of the year.

(also please excuse grammar or spelling mistakes because I have a German English and French keyboard in one on my phone and it marks almost every word as wrong so I don't have any idea what I actually spell wrong lmao. But please tell me if you find any mistakes so I can correct them!)


I don't know when I'll be able to update again or if I'll ever finish this story because my life will get stressful next year and I don't know if I'll have any time OR motivation but let's hope for the best shall we?

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